- Supports conversations (not just one-off queries) and multiple independent sessions.
- You can go back and edit your previous prompts, or even ChatGPT's previous responses when continuing a conversation. These will be fed back to ChatGPT.
** Installation
*** Package.el
Clone this repository and run =M-x package-install-file=.
Installing the =markdown-mode= package is optional.
1. Run =M-x gptel= to start or switch to the ChatGPT buffer. It will ask you for the key if you skipped the previous step. Run it with a prefix-arg (=C-u M-x gptel=) to start a new session.
The default mode is =markdown-mode= if available, else =text-mode=. You can set =gptel-default-mode= to =org-mode= if desired.
*** In any buffer:
Select a region of text, call =M-x gptel-send=.
The response will be inserted below your region. You can select both the original prompt and the resposne and call =M-x gptel-send= again to continue the conversation.
Maybe all of these, I don't know yet. As a start, I wanted to replicate the web browser usage pattern so I can build from there -- and don't need to switch to the browser every time. The code is fairly simple right now.