diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index 92e6e86..730c99e 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ https://github-production-user-asset-6210df.s3.amazonaws.com/8607532/278854024-a
- Supports conversations and multiple independent sessions.
- Save chats as regular Markdown/Org/Text files and resume them later.
- You can go back and edit your previous prompts or LLM responses when continuing a conversation. These will be fed back to the model.
+- Don't like gptel's workflow? Use it to create your own for any supported model/backend with a [[https://github.com/karthink/gptel/wiki#defining-custom-gptel-commands][simple API]].
GPTel uses Curl if available, but falls back to url-retrieve to work without external dependencies.
@@ -56,10 +57,11 @@ GPTel uses Curl if available, but falls back to url-retrieve to work without ext
- [[#in-a-dedicated-chat-buffer][In a dedicated chat buffer:]]
- [[#save-and-restore-your-chat-sessions][Save and restore your chat sessions]]
- [[#faq][FAQ]]
- - [[#i-want-the-window-to-scroll-automatically-as-the-response-is-inserted][I want the window to scroll automatically as the response is inserted]]
- - [[#i-want-the-cursor-to-move-to-the-next-prompt-after-the-response-is-inserted][I want the cursor to move to the next prompt after the response is inserted]]
- - [[#i-want-to-change-the-prefix-before-the-prompt-and-response][I want to change the prefix before the prompt and response]]
- - [[#why-another-llm-client][Why another LLM client?]]
+ - [[#i-want-the-window-to-scroll-automatically-as-the-response-is-inserted][I want the window to scroll automatically as the response is inserted]]
+ - [[#i-want-the-cursor-to-move-to-the-next-prompt-after-the-response-is-inserted][I want the cursor to move to the next prompt after the response is inserted]]
+ - [[#i-want-to-change-the-prefix-before-the-prompt-and-response][I want to change the prefix before the prompt and response]]
+ - [[#doom-emacs-sending-a-query-from-the-gptel-menu-fails-because-of-a-key-conflict-with-org-mode][(Doom Emacs) Sending a query from the gptel menu fails because of a key conflict with Org mode]]
+ - [[#why-another-llm-client][Why another LLM client?]]
- [[#additional-configuration][Additional Configuration]]
- [[#the-gptel-api][The gptel API]]
- [[#extensions-using-gptel][Extensions using GPTel]]
@@ -339,7 +341,9 @@ The default mode is =markdown-mode= if available, else =text-mode=. You can set
Saving the file will save the state of the conversation as well. To resume the chat, open the file and turn on =gptel-mode= before editing the buffer.
** FAQ
-*** I want the window to scroll automatically as the response is inserted
+**** I want the window to scroll automatically as the response is inserted
To be minimally annoying, GPTel does not move the cursor by default. Add the following to your configuration to enable auto-scrolling.
@@ -347,7 +351,10 @@ To be minimally annoying, GPTel does not move the cursor by default. Add the fo
(add-hook 'gptel-post-stream-hook 'gptel-auto-scroll)
-*** I want the cursor to move to the next prompt after the response is inserted
+**** I want the cursor to move to the next prompt after the response is inserted
To be minimally annoying, GPTel does not move the cursor by default. Add the following to your configuration to move the cursor:
@@ -357,17 +364,42 @@ To be minimally annoying, GPTel does not move the cursor by default. Add the fo
You can also call =gptel-end-of-response= as a command at any time.
-*** I want to change the prefix before the prompt and response
+**** I want to change the prefix before the prompt and response
Customize =gptel-prompt-prefix-alist= and =gptel-response-prefix-alist=. You can set a different pair for each major-mode.
-*** Why another LLM client?
+**** (Doom Emacs) Sending a query from the gptel menu fails because of a key conflict with Org mode
+Doom binds ~RET~ in Org mode to =+org/dwim-at-point=, which appears to conflict with gptel's transient menu bindings for some reason.
+Two solutions:
+- Press ~C-m~ instead of the return key.
+- Change the send key from return to a key of your choice:
+ #+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ (transient-suffix-put 'gptel-menu (kbd "RET") :key "")
+ #+end_src
+**** Why another LLM client?
Other Emacs clients for LLMs prescribe the format of the interaction (a comint shell, org-babel blocks, etc). I wanted:
1. Something that is as free-form as possible: query the model using any text in any buffer, and redirect the response as required. Using a dedicated =gptel= buffer just adds some visual flair to the interaction.
2. Integration with org-mode, not using a walled-off org-babel block, but as regular text. This way the model can generate code blocks that I can run.
** Additional Configuration
:ID: f885adac-58a3-4eba-a6b7-91e9e7a17829