Add contexter

This commit is contained in:
daedsidog 2024-03-16 01:14:33 +02:00
parent 1241224f30
commit e4eb23180e

gptel-contexter.el Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
;;; gptel-contexter.el --- Context aggregator for GPTel
;; Copyright (C) 2023 Karthik Chikmagalur
;; Author: daedsidog <>
;; Keywords: convenience, buffers
;; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Commentary:
;; The contexter allows you to conveniently create contexts which can be fed
;; to GPTel.
;;; Code:
;;; -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
(require 'cl-lib)
(defvar gptel--context-buffer nil)
(defvar gptel--contexts-alist nil
"An association list from buffers to a list of regions.")
(defvar gptel--current-highlight-region nil)
(defvar gptel--context-buffer-point nil)
;; We need a minor mode for a custom keymap, so that we may be able to remove
;; contexts directly from the contexts buffer.
(define-minor-mode context-mode
"A minor mode for working with context."
:lighter " Context"
:keymap (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "c")
;;; ------------------------------ FUNCTIONS ------------------------------- ;;;
(defun gptel--highlight-region (start end)
"Highlight the region from START to END."
(let ((overlay (make-overlay start end)))
(overlay-put overlay 'face 'secondary-selection)
(overlay-put overlay 'contexter t)))
(defun gptel--unhighlight-region (start end)
"Remove highlighting from the region between START and END."
(dolist (overlay (overlays-in start end))
(when (and (overlay-get overlay 'contexter)
(overlay-get overlay 'face))
(delete-overlay overlay))))
(cl-defun gptel--add-region-to-contexts ()
"Add the selected region to te contexts.
Order of the contexts in a buffer is determined by their order in the buffer."
(unless (use-region-p)
(error "No region selected"))
(let ((start (make-marker))
(end (make-marker)))
(set-marker start (region-beginning) (current-buffer))
(set-marker end (region-end) (current-buffer))
;; Trim the unnecessary parts of the context content.
(let* ((content (buffer-substring-no-properties start end))
(fat-at-end (progn
(let ((match-pos
(string-match-p (rx (+ (any "\t" "\n" " ")) eos)
(when match-pos
(- (- end start) match-pos)))))
(fat-at-start (progn
(when (string-match (rx bos (+ (any "\t" "\n" " ")))
(match-end 0)))))
(when fat-at-start
(set-marker start (+ start fat-at-start)))
(when fat-at-end
(set-marker end (- end fat-at-end))))
(when (= start end)
(message "No content in selected region.")
(cl-return-from gptel--add-region-to-contexts nil))
;; First, highlight the region.
(gptel--highlight-region start end)
;; Then, add the region to `gptel--contexts-alist', associating it with
;; the current buffer.
(let ((existing-entry (assoc (current-buffer) gptel--contexts-alist)))
(if (not existing-entry)
(add-to-list 'gptel--contexts-alist
(cons (current-buffer) (list (list start end))))
(let ((regions (cdr existing-entry))
(new-region (list (list start end))))
(setcdr existing-entry
(cl-sort (append regions new-region)
(lambda (a b)
(or (<= (car a) (car b)))))))))
(message "Region added to context buffer.")
(defun gptel-context-in-region (buffer start end)
"Return the context in the given region, if any, in BUFFER.
START and END signify the region delimiters.
A context in this function is a cons cell with the buffer as the CAR and the
region tuple as the CDR. The tuple is a list, not a cons cell."
(let (context regions)
(setq context (assoc buffer gptel--contexts-alist))
(when context
(cl-loop for (ctx-start ctx-end) in (cdr context)
;; If the current context range overlaps with the argument range.
when (or (<= ctx-start start end ctx-end)
(<= ctx-start start ctx-end end)
(<= start ctx-start end ctx-end)
(<= start ctx-start ctx-end end))
do (push (list ctx-start ctx-end) regions)))
(if (not (zerop (length regions)))
(setq context (cons buffer regions))
(setq context nil))
(defun gptel-context-at-point ()
"Return the context at point, if any.
A context in this function is a cons cell with the buffer as the CAR and the
region tuple as the CDR. The tuple is a list, not a cons cell."
(let ((point (point))
(buffer (current-buffer))
regions '())
(setq context (assoc buffer gptel--contexts-alist))
(when context
(cl-loop for (start end) in (cdr context)
when (and (>= point start) (<= point end))
do (push (list start end) regions)))
(if (not (zerop (length regions)))
(setq context (cons buffer regions))
(defun gptel-remove-context (context &optional refresh-context-buffer)
"Remove the CONTEXT snippet and unhighlight its region.
If REFRESH-CONTEXT-BUFFER is set to t, then also refresh the context buffer."
(let* ((buffer (car context))
(regions (cdr context)))
;; Unhighlight each region.
(with-current-buffer buffer
(cl-loop for (start end) in regions
do (gptel--unhighlight-region start end)))
;; Remove regions from the list and clean up if empty.
(setq gptel--contexts-alist
(delq nil
(mapcar (lambda (item)
(if (eq (car item) buffer)
(let ((new-value
(seq-difference (cdr item) regions)))
(unless (seq-empty-p new-value)
(cons (car item) new-value)))
(when refresh-context-buffer
(cl-defun gptel-pop-or-push-context ()
"Pop or push text into the context buffer depending on selection state.
If a region is selected, push the region as context.
If no region is selected, try to pop the context at the point.
If a region is selected but it contains contexts, pop all contexts within it and
add the region as a single context..
Popping context has no other meaning other than erasing it from the context
(let ((context
(if (use-region-p)
(gptel-context-in-region (current-buffer)
(when context
(gptel-remove-context context))
(when (use-region-p)
(unless (gptel--add-region-to-contexts)
(cl-return-from gptel-pop-or-push-context))
(defun gptel-remove-all-contexts ()
"Clear all saved context regions."
(mapc #'gptel-remove-context gptel--contexts-alist)
(defun gptel--cleanup-killed-buffer ()
"Remove contexts if their buffer was killed."
(let ((context (assoc (current-buffer) gptel--contexts-alist)))
(when context
(setq gptel--contexts-alist (assoc-delete-all (current-buffer)
;; We don't care about the hook parameters.
(defun gptel--cleanup-degenerate-contexts (_ _ _)
"Clean up contexts by degenerate regions."
(let ((context (assoc (current-buffer) gptel--contexts-alist)))
(when context
(setcdr context
(cl-remove-if (lambda (region)
(= (cl-first region) (cl-second region)))
(cdr context)))
(when (zerop (length (cdr context))) ; All regions were removed!
(setq gptel--contexts-alist
(assoc-delete-all (current-buffer) gptel--contexts-alist)))
(defun gptel--sync-context-buffer (start end _)
"See if the markers in the buffer have been changed between START and END.
If they have, update the context buffer."
(when (gptel-context-in-region (current-buffer) start end)
(defun gptel--ensure-context-buffer-exists ()
"Make sure the context buffer exists. Create it if it does not."
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Context*") ; Create, if nonexistant.
(setq gptel--context-buffer (current-buffer))
;; Ensure the minor mode context-mode is enabled in this buffer.
(unless (bound-and-true-p context-mode)
(context-mode 1))
(read-only-mode 1))) ; Set read-only mode.
(defun gptel--sort-pairs-by-ascending-order (regions)
"Sort the pairs in REGIONS by ascending order."
(sort regions (lambda (a b) (< (car a) (car b)))))
(defun gptel--major-mode-md-prog-lang (mode)
"Get the Markdown programming language string for the given MODE."
((eq mode 'emacs-lisp-mode) "emacs-lisp")
((eq mode 'lisp-mode) "common-lisp")
((eq mode 'c-mode) "c")
((eq mode 'c++-mode) "c++")
((eq mode 'javascript-mode) "javascript")
((eq mode 'python-mode) "python")
((eq mode 'ruby-mode) "ruby")
((eq mode 'java-mode) "java")
((eq mode 'go-mode) "go")
((eq mode 'rust-mode) "rust")
((eq mode 'haskell-mode) "haskell")
((eq mode 'scala-mode) "scala")
((eq mode 'kotlin-mode) "kotlin")
((eq mode 'typescript-mode) "typescript")
((eq mode 'css-mode) "css")
((eq mode 'html-mode) "html")
((eq mode 'xml-mode) "xml")
((eq mode 'swift-mode) "swift")
((eq mode 'perl-mode) "perl")
((eq mode 'php-mode) "php")
((eq mode 'csharp-mode) "csharp")
((eq mode 'sql-mode) "sql")
(t "")))
(cl-defun gptel--compress-code (code given-major-mode)
"Return a string which represents CODE with superfluous information removed.
GIVEN-MAJOR-MODE helps determine the method of compression."
(insert code)
(goto-char (point-min))
((member given-major-mode '(emacs-lisp-mode lisp-mode))
(let (form-start form-end)
(while (search-forward-regexp
(concat "\\(("
(regexp-opt '("defun*" "defun" "defmacro" "cl-defun"))
;; We are at the name of the form.
(ignore-errors (while t (backward-up-list)))
;; We are at the start of the sexp.
(setq form-start (point))
;; If error, exit function.
(ignore-errors (forward-sexp)
(setq form-end (point)))
(if (null form-end) (cl-return-from gptel--compress-code code))
;; We are at the end of the sexp.
(goto-char form-start)
(forward-char 1)
;; Docstring should be four sexps down the line.
;; If there is a docstring, we should be at its end.
(when (eq (char-before) ?\")
;; We are, in fact, at the end of the docstring.
;; Get the indendation to be used for the next line.
(let ((indentation (current-column)))
;; Remove everything from this point until the end of the form.
(delete-region (point) form-end)
(insert "\n" (make-string indentation ? )))
(insert "...)"))))))
(buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
(defun gptel--regions-inline-p (buffer previous-region current-region)
"Return non-nil if CURRENT-REGION begins on the line PREVIOUS-REGION ends in.
This check pertains only to regions in BUFFER.
PREVIOUS-REGION and CURRENT-REGION should be cons cells (START . END) which
representthe regions' boundaries within BUFFER."
(with-current-buffer buffer
(let ((prev-line-end (line-number-at-pos (cdr previous-region)))
(curr-line-start (line-number-at-pos (car current-region))))
(= prev-line-end curr-line-start))))
(defun gptel--regions-continuous-p (buffer previous-region current-region)
"Return non-nil if CURRENT-REGION is a continuation of PREVIOUS-REGION.
Pretains only to regions in BUFFER.
A region is considered a continuation of another if it is only separated by
newlines and whitespaces. PREVIOUS-REGION and CURRENT-REGION should be cons
cells (START . END) representing the boundaries of the regions within BUFFER."
(with-current-buffer buffer
(let ((gap (buffer-substring-no-properties
(cdr previous-region) (car current-region))))
(rx bos (* (any "\t" "\n" " ")) eos)
(defun gptel-context-substring (buffer regions &optional compress-code)
"Create a context substring from the REGIONS in BUFFER.
If COMPRESS-CODE is non-nil, try to compress code to save space.
REGIONS is a list of pairs of (start, end) lists."
(let ((buffer-file
;; Use file path if buffer has one, otherwise use its regular name.
(if (buffer-file-name buffer)
(format "'%s'"
(buffer-file-name buffer))
(format "buffer '%s'"
(buffer-name buffer)))))
(insert (format "In %s:" buffer-file)))
(let ((is-top-snippet t)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(setq buffer-point-min (point-min)
buffer-point-max (point-max)
prog-lang-tag (gptel--major-mode-md-prog-lang
(insert "\n\n```" prog-lang-tag "\n")
(cl-loop for (start end) in regions do
(let* ((region-inline
;; Does the current region start on the same line the
;; previous region ends?
(when previous-region
(gptel--regions-inline-p buffer
(cons start end))))
;; Is the current region a continuation of the previous
;; region? I.e., is it only separated by newlines and
;; whitespaces?
(when previous-region
(gptel--regions-continuous-p buffer
(cons start end)))))
(unless (= start buffer-point-min)
(if region-continuous
;; If the regions are continuous, insert the
;; whitespaces that separate them.
(insert-buffer-substring buffer
(cdr previous-region)
;; Regions are not continuous. Are they on the same line?
(if region-inline
;; Region is inline but not continuous, so we should
;; just insert an ellipsis.
(insert " ... ")
;; Region is neither inline nor continuous, so just
;; insert an ellipsis on a new line.
(unless is-top-snippet
(insert "\n"))
(insert "...")))
(let (lineno)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(setq lineno (line-number-at-pos start)))
;; We do not need to insert a line number indicator on
;; inline regions.
(unless (or region-inline region-continuous
(insert (format " (Line %d)" lineno))))
(setq is-top-snippet nil))
(if is-top-snippet
(setq is-top-snippet nil)
(when (and (not region-inline)
(not region-continuous))
(insert "\n")))
(let (substring)
(with-current-buffer buffer
(setq substring
(if compress-code
(buffer-substring start end)
(buffer-substring start end))))
(let (ss-start ss-end)
(setq ss-start (point))
(insert substring)
(setq ss-end (point))
;; Save the context as a text property, so
;; that we may later be able to delete the
;; context snippet from the context buffer.
ss-start ss-end
(cons buffer
(list start end)))))))
(setq previous-region (cons start end)))))
(unless (= (cl-second (car (last regions))) buffer-point-max)
(insert "\n..."))
(insert "\n```"))
(buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
(defun gptel--refresh-context-buffer ()
"Write the actual context to the context buffer.
This might require optimization later on."
(setq gptel--current-highlight-region nil)
(with-current-buffer gptel--context-buffer
(cl-loop for (buffer . regions) in gptel--contexts-alist do
(unless (= (point) (point-min))
(insert "\n\n"))
(insert (gptel-context-substring buffer regions t)))))))
(defun gptel-remove-context-at-point-from-context-buffer ()
"Remove the context entry at the current point inside the context buffer.
Does nothing if there is no entry at the current point."
(unless (eq (current-buffer) gptel--context-buffer)
(error "This function can only be used inside the context buffer"))
(let ((context (get-text-property (point) 'gptel--context)))
(gptel-remove-context context))
(when (> gptel--context-buffer-point (point-max))
(setq gptel--context-buffer-point (point-max)))
(goto-char gptel--context-buffer-point)
(defun gptel--text-property-from-point-region (property from-point)
"Find the region around FROM-POINT that has a specific text PROPERTY."
(let ((start (or from-point (point)))
(end (or from-point (point))))
;; Search backwards for the start of the property region.
(while (and (> start (point-min))
(get-text-property (1- start) property))
(setq start (1- start)))
;; If the exact property is not at the start, move one character forward.
(unless (get-text-property start property)
(setq start (next-single-property-change start property nil (point-max))))
;; Search forwards for the end of the property region.
(while (and (< end (point-max))
(get-text-property end property))
(setq end (1+ end)))
;; Return the region as a list.
(list start end)))
(defun gptel--highlight-selected-context-in-context-buffer ()
"Highlight the selected context within the context buffer.
In essence, just highlights the context where the point is in the buffer."
(unless (eq (current-buffer) gptel--context-buffer)
(error "This function can only be used inside the context buffer"))
(let* ((context (get-text-property (point) 'gptel--context))
(current-region (gptel--text-property-from-point-region
(start (cl-first current-region))
(end (cl-second current-region))
(current-start (cl-first gptel--current-highlight-region))
(current-end (cl-second gptel--current-highlight-region)))
(when (and gptel--current-highlight-region
(not (and (= start current-start)
(= end current-end))))
;; Current context is not the one under the point, so unhighlight it.
(gptel--unhighlight-region current-start current-end)
(setq gptel--current-highlight-region nil))
(when context
(gptel--highlight-region start end)
(setq gptel--current-highlight-region (list start end)))))
(cl-defun gptel--monitor-context-buffer-point-change ()
"Monitor change in the point position within the context buffer.
Used mainly for selecting contexts when the point has moved."
(unless (eq (current-buffer) gptel--context-buffer)
(cl-return-from gptel--monitor-context-buffer-point-change))
(unless (and gptel--context-buffer-point
(= (point) gptel--context-buffer-point))
(setq gptel--context-buffer-point (point))
(defun gptel-context-string ()
"Return the contents of the context buffer."
(with-current-buffer gptel--context-buffer
(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
;;; -------------------------------- HOOKS --------------------------------- ;;;
(add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook #'gptel--cleanup-killed-buffer)
(add-hook 'after-change-functions
(add-hook 'post-command-hook #'gptel--monitor-context-buffer-point-change)
;;; ---------------------------- INITIALIZATION ---------------------------- ;;;
;; Just make sure an empty buffer exists.
(provide 'contexter)
;;; gptel-contexter.el ends here.