diff --git a/README.org b/README.org
index ff1cbe5..94a6ec6 100644
--- a/README.org
+++ b/README.org
@@ -62,13 +62,13 @@ GPTel uses Curl if available, but falls back to url-retrieve to work without ext
- [[#faq][FAQ]]
- [[#i-want-the-window-to-scroll-automatically-as-the-response-is-inserted][I want the window to scroll automatically as the response is inserted]]
- [[#i-want-the-cursor-to-move-to-the-next-prompt-after-the-response-is-inserted][I want the cursor to move to the next prompt after the response is inserted]]
- - [[#i-want-to-change-the-prefix-before-the-prompt-and-response][I want to change the prefix before the prompt and response]]
+ - [[#i-want-to-change-the-formatting-of-the-prompt-and-llm-response][I want to change the formatting of the prompt and LLM response]]
+ - [[#i-want-to-use-gptel-in-a-way-thats-not-supported-by-gptel-send-or-the-options-menu][I want to use gptel in a way that's not supported by =gptel-send= or the options menu]]
- [[#doom-emacs-sending-a-query-from-the-gptel-menu-fails-because-of-a-key-conflict-with-org-mode][(Doom Emacs) Sending a query from the gptel menu fails because of a key conflict with Org mode]]
- [[#why-another-llm-client][Why another LLM client?]]
- [[#additional-configuration][Additional Configuration]]
- - [[#the-gptel-api][The gptel API]]
- - [[#extensions-using-gptel][Extensions using GPTel]]
- [[#alternatives][Alternatives]]
+ - [[#extensions-using-gptel][Extensions using GPTel]]
- [[#breaking-changes][Breaking Changes]]
- [[#acknowledgments][Acknowledgments]]
@@ -108,6 +108,8 @@ In =config.el=
(setq! gptel-api-key "your key"))
+"your key" can be the API key itself, or (safer) a function that returns the key. Setting =gptel-api-key= is optional, you will be asked for a key if it's not found.
**** Spacemacs
@@ -410,14 +412,23 @@ You can also call =gptel-end-of-response= as a command at any time.
-**** I want to change the prefix before the prompt and response
+**** I want to change the formatting of the prompt and LLM response
-Customize =gptel-prompt-prefix-alist= and =gptel-response-prefix-alist=. You can set a different pair for each major-mode.
+For dedicated chat buffers: customize =gptel-prompt-prefix-alist= and =gptel-response-prefix-alist=. You can set a different pair for each major-mode.
+Anywhere in Emacs: Use =gptel-pre-response-hook= and =gptel-post-response-functions=, which see.
+**** I want to use gptel in a way that's not supported by =gptel-send= or the options menu
+GPTel's default usage pattern is simple, and will stay this way: Read input in any buffer and insert the response below it. Some custom behavior is possible with the transient menu (=C-u M-x gptel-send=).
+For more programmable usage, gptel provides a general =gptel-request= function that accepts a custom prompt and a callback to act on the response. You can use this to build custom workflows not supported by =gptel-send=. See the documentation of =gptel-request=, and the [[https://github.com/karthink/gptel/wiki][wiki]] for examples.
**** (Doom Emacs) Sending a query from the gptel menu fails because of a key conflict with Org mode
@@ -504,19 +515,6 @@ Maybe, I'd like to experiment a bit more first. Features added since the incept
Features being considered or in the pipeline:
- Fully stateless design (#17)
-** The gptel API
-GPTel's default usage pattern is simple, and will stay this way: Read input in any buffer and insert the response below it. Some custom behavior is possible with the transient menu (=C-u M-x gptel-send=).
-For more programmable usage, gptel provides a general =gptel-request= function that accepts a custom prompt and a callback to act on the response. You can use this to build custom workflows not supported by =gptel-send=. See the documentation of =gptel-request=, and the [[https://github.com/karthink/gptel/wiki][wiki]] for examples.
-*** Extensions using GPTel
-These are packages that depend on GPTel to provide additional functionality
-- [[https://github.com/kamushadenes/gptel-extensions.el][gptel-extensions]]: Extra utility functions for GPTel.
-- [[https://github.com/kamushadenes/ai-blog.el][ai-blog.el]]: Streamline generation of blog posts in Hugo.
** Alternatives
Other Emacs clients for LLMs include
@@ -526,6 +524,13 @@ Other Emacs clients for LLMs include
There are several more: [[https://github.com/CarlQLange/chatgpt-arcana.el][chatgpt-arcana]], [[https://github.com/MichaelBurge/leafy-mode][leafy-mode]], [[https://github.com/iwahbe/chat.el][chat.el]]
+*** Extensions using GPTel
+These are packages that depend on GPTel to provide additional functionality
+- [[https://github.com/kamushadenes/gptel-extensions.el][gptel-extensions]]: Extra utility functions for GPTel.
+- [[https://github.com/kamushadenes/ai-blog.el][ai-blog.el]]: Streamline generation of blog posts in Hugo.
** Breaking Changes
- =gptel-post-response-hook= has been renamed to =gptel-post-response-functions=, and functions in this hook are now called with two arguments: the start and end buffer positions of the response. This should make it easy to act on the response text without having to locate it first.