* gptel-transient.el (gptel--suffix-system-message): Use a header line for better messaging when editing the system prompt.
655 lines
25 KiB
655 lines
25 KiB
;;; gptel-transient.el --- Transient menu for GPTel -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2023 Karthik Chikmagalur
;; Author: Karthik Chikmagalur <karthikchikmagalur@gmail.com>
;; Keywords: convenience
;; SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib))
(require 'gptel)
(require 'transient)
(declare-function ediff-regions-internal "ediff")
(declare-function ediff-make-cloned-buffer "ediff-utils")
;; * Helper functions
(defun gptel--refactor-or-rewrite ()
"Rewrite should be refactored into refactor.
Or is it the other way around?"
(if (derived-mode-p 'prog-mode)
"Refactor" "Rewrite"))
(defvar-local gptel--rewrite-message nil)
(defun gptel--rewrite-message ()
"Set a generic refactor/rewrite message for the buffer."
(if (derived-mode-p 'prog-mode)
(format "You are a %s programmer. Refactor the following code. Generate only code, no explanation."
(substring (symbol-name major-mode) nil -5))
(format "You are a prose editor. Rewrite the following text to be more professional.")))
(defvar gptel--crowdsourced-prompts-url
"URL for crowdsourced ChatGPT system prompts.")
(defvar gptel--crowdsourced-prompts
(make-hash-table :test #'equal)
"Crowdsourced system prompts for ChatGPT.")
(defun gptel--crowdsourced-prompts ()
"Acquire and read crowdsourced system prompts for ChatGPT.
These are stored in the variable `gptel--crowdsourced-prompts',
which see."
(when (hash-table-p gptel--crowdsourced-prompts)
(when (hash-table-empty-p gptel--crowdsourced-prompts)
(unless gptel-crowdsourced-prompts-file
(run-at-time 0 nil #'gptel-system-prompt)
(user-error "No crowdsourced prompts available"))
(unless (and (file-exists-p gptel-crowdsourced-prompts-file)
(time-subtract (current-time) (days-to-time 14))
(file-attributes gptel-crowdsourced-prompts-file))))
(when (y-or-n-p
"Fetch crowdsourced system prompts from "
(propertize "https://github.com/f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts" 'face 'link)
;; Fetch file
(message "Fetching prompts...")
(if (url-copy-file gptel--crowdsourced-prompts-url
(message "Fetching prompts... done.")
(message "Could not retrieve new prompts."))))
(if (not (file-readable-p gptel-crowdsourced-prompts-file))
(progn (message "No crowdsourced prompts available")
(call-interactively #'gptel-system-prompt))
(insert-file-contents gptel-crowdsourced-prompts-file)
(goto-char (point-min))
(forward-line 1)
(while (not (eobp))
(when-let ((act (read (current-buffer))))
(while (re-search-forward "\"\"" (line-end-position) t)
(replace-match "\\\\\"")))
(when-let ((prompt (read (current-buffer))))
(puthash act prompt gptel--crowdsourced-prompts)))
(forward-line 1)))))
;; * Transient Prefixes
(define-obsolete-function-alias 'gptel-send-menu 'gptel-menu "0.3.2")
;; BUG: The `:incompatible' spec doesn't work if there's a `:description' below it.
;;;###autoload (autoload 'gptel-menu "gptel-transient" nil t)
(transient-define-prefix gptel-menu ()
"Change parameters of prompt to send ChatGPT."
;; :incompatible '(("-m" "-n" "-k" "-e"))
(lambda () (format "Directive: %s"
gptel--system-message (max (- (window-width) 14) 20) nil nil t)))
("h" "Set directives for chat" gptel-system-prompt :transient t)]
[["Session Parameters"
;; (gptel--infix-model)
("p" "From minibuffer instead" "p")
("i" "Replace/Delete prompt" "i")
"Response to:"
("m" "Minibuffer instead" "m")
("n" "New session" "n"
:class transient-option
:prompt "Name for new session: "
(lambda (prompt _ history)
prompt (generate-new-buffer-name "*ChatGPT*") history)))
("e" "Existing session" "e"
:class transient-option
:prompt "Existing session: "
(lambda (prompt _ history)
prompt (mapcar #'buffer-name (buffer-list))
(lambda (buf) (and (buffer-local-value 'gptel-mode (get-buffer buf))
(not (equal (current-buffer) buf))))
t nil history)))
("k" "Kill-ring" "k")]
[:description gptel--refactor-or-rewrite
:if use-region-p
;;FIXME: Transient complains if I use `gptel--refactor-or-rewrite' here. It
;;reads this function as a suffix instead of a function that returns the
(lambda () (if (derived-mode-p 'prog-mode)
"Refactor" "Rewrite"))
["Send" (gptel--suffix-send)]])
;; ** Prefix for setting the system prompt.
(defun gptel-system-prompt--setup (_)
"Set up suffixes for system prompt."
(cl-loop for (type . prompt) in gptel-directives
with taken
for name = (symbol-name type)
for key =
(let ((idx 0) pos)
(while (or (not pos) (member pos taken))
(setq pos (substring name idx (1+ idx)))
(cl-incf idx))
(push pos taken)
;; The explicit declaration ":transient transient--do-return" here
;; appears to be required for Transient v0.5 and up. Without it, these
;; are treated as suffixes when invoking `gptel-system-prompt' directly,
;; and infixes when going through `gptel-menu'.
;; TODO: Raise an issue with Transient.
collect (list (key-description key) (capitalize name)
`(lambda () (interactive)
(message "Directive: %s" ,prompt)
(setq gptel--system-message ,prompt))
:transient 'transient--do-return)
into prompt-suffixes
finally return
(list (list 'gptel--suffix-system-message))
(list (list "SPC" "Pick crowdsourced prompt"
;; NOTE: Quitting the completing read when picking a
;; crowdsourced prompt will cause the transient to exit
;; instead of returning to the system prompt menu.
:transient 'transient--do-exit))))))
(transient-define-prefix gptel-system-prompt ()
"Change the system prompt to send ChatGPT.
The \"system\" prompt establishes directives for the chat
session. Some examples of system prompts are:
You are a helpful assistant. Answer as concisely as possible.
Reply only with shell commands and no prose.
You are a poet. Reply only in verse.
Customize `gptel-directives' for task-specific prompts."
(lambda () (format "Current directive: %s"
gptel--system-message 100 nil nil t)))
:class transient-column
:setup-children gptel-system-prompt--setup
:pad-keys t])
;; ** Prefix for rewriting/refactoring
(transient-define-prefix gptel-rewrite-menu ()
"Rewrite or refactor text region using ChatGPT."
(lambda ()
(format "Directive: %s"
(or gptel--rewrite-message (gptel--rewrite-message))
(max (- (window-width) 14) 20) nil nil t)))
[[:description "Diff Options"
("-w" "Wordwise diff" "-w")]
(lambda () (if (derived-mode-p 'prog-mode)
"Refactor" "Rewrite"))
(unless gptel--rewrite-message
(setq gptel--rewrite-message (gptel--rewrite-message)))
(transient-setup 'gptel-rewrite-menu))
;; * Transient Infixes
;; ** Infixes for model parameters
(defun gptel--transient-read-variable (prompt initial-input history)
"Read value from minibuffer and interpret the result as a Lisp object."
(condition-case nil
(read-from-minibuffer prompt initial-input read-expression-map t history)
('error nil)))
(transient-define-infix gptel--infix-num-messages-to-send ()
"Number of recent messages to send with each exchange.
By default, the full conversation history is sent with every new
prompt. This retains the full context of the conversation, but
can be expensive in token size. Set how many recent messages to
:description "Number of past messages to send"
:class 'transient-lisp-variable
:variable 'gptel--num-messages-to-send
:key "-n"
:prompt "Number of past messages to include for context (leave empty for all): "
:reader 'gptel--transient-read-variable)
(transient-define-infix gptel--infix-max-tokens ()
"Max tokens per response.
This is roughly the number of words in the response. 100-300 is a
reasonable range for short answers, 400 or more for longer
If left unset, ChatGPT will target about 40% of the total token
count of the conversation so far in each message, so messages
will get progressively longer!"
:description "Response length (tokens)"
:class 'transient-lisp-variable
:variable 'gptel-max-tokens
:key "-c"
:prompt "Response length in tokens (leave empty: default, 80-200: short, 200-500: long): "
:reader 'gptel--transient-read-variable)
(defclass gptel-provider-variable (transient-lisp-variable)
((model :initarg :model)
(model-value :initarg :model-value)
(always-read :initform t)
(set-value :initarg :set-value :initform #'set))
"Class used for gptel-backends.")
(cl-defmethod transient-format-value ((obj gptel-provider-variable))
(propertize (concat (gptel-backend-name (oref obj value)) ":"
(buffer-local-value (oref obj model) transient--original-buffer))
'face 'transient-value))
(cl-defmethod transient-infix-set ((obj gptel-provider-variable) value)
(pcase-let ((`(,backend-value ,model-value) value))
(funcall (oref obj set-value)
(oref obj variable)
(oset obj value backend-value))
(funcall (oref obj set-value)
(oref obj model)
(oset obj model-value model-value))))
(transient-define-infix gptel--infix-provider ()
"AI Provider for Chat."
:description "GPT Model: "
:class 'gptel-provider-variable
:prompt "Model provider: "
:variable 'gptel-backend
:model 'gptel-model
:key "-m"
:reader (lambda (prompt &rest _)
(let* ((backend-name
(if (<= (length gptel--known-backends) 1)
(caar gptel--known-backends)
(mapcar #'car gptel--known-backends))))
(backend (alist-get backend-name gptel--known-backends
nil nil #'equal))
(backend-models (gptel-backend-models backend))
(model-name (if (= (length backend-models) 1)
(car backend-models)
"Model: " backend-models))))
(list backend model-name))))
(transient-define-infix gptel--infix-model ()
"AI Model for Chat."
:description "GPT Model: "
:class 'transient-lisp-variable
:variable 'gptel-model
:key "-m"
:choices '("gpt-3.5-turbo" "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k" "gpt-4" "gpt-4-1106-preview")
:reader (lambda (prompt &rest _)
'("gpt-3.5-turbo" "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k" "gpt-4" "gpt-4-1106-preview"))))
(transient-define-infix gptel--infix-temperature ()
"Temperature of request."
:description "Randomness (0 - 2.0)"
:class 'transient-lisp-variable
:variable 'gptel-temperature
:key "-t"
:prompt "Set temperature (0.0-2.0, leave empty for default): "
:reader 'gptel--transient-read-variable)
;; ** Infix for the refactor/rewrite system message
(transient-define-infix gptel--infix-rewrite-prompt ()
"Chat directive (system message) to use for rewriting or refactoring."
:description (lambda () (if (derived-mode-p 'prog-mode)
"Set directives for refactor"
"Set directives for rewrite"))
:format "%k %d"
:class 'transient-lisp-variable
:variable 'gptel--rewrite-message
:key "h"
:prompt "Set directive for rewrite: "
:reader (lambda (prompt _ history)
prompt (gptel--rewrite-message) history)))
;; * Transient Suffixes
;; ** Suffix to send prompt
(transient-define-suffix gptel--suffix-send (args)
"Send ARGS."
:key "RET"
:description "Send prompt"
(interactive (list (transient-args transient-current-command)))
(let ((stream gptel-stream)
(in-place (and (member "i" args) t))
(backend gptel-backend)
(model gptel-model)
(backend-name (gptel-backend-name gptel-backend))
(buffer) (position)
(callback) (gptel-buffer-name)
(and (member "p" args)
(format "Ask %s: " (gptel-backend-name gptel-backend))
(apply #'buffer-substring-no-properties
(if (use-region-p)
(list (region-beginning) (region-end))
(list (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))))))))
((member "m" args)
(setq stream nil)
(setq callback
(lambda (resp info)
(if resp
(message "%s response: %s" backend-name resp)
(message "%s response error: %s" backend-name (plist-get info :status))))))
((member "k" args)
(setq stream nil)
(setq callback
(lambda (resp info)
(if (not resp)
(message "%s response error: %s" backend-name (plist-get info :status))
(kill-new resp)
(message "%s response: copied to kill-ring." backend-name)))))
((setq gptel-buffer-name
(cl-some (lambda (s) (and (string-prefix-p "n" s)
(substring s 1)))
(setq buffer
(gptel gptel-buffer-name
(condition-case nil
((error user-error)
(setq gptel-api-key
(format "%s API key: "
(or prompt
(if (use-region-p)
(buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning)
'gptel 'response
(when (get-char-property (max (point-min) (1- (point)))
(gptel--at-word-end (point)))))))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(setq gptel-backend backend)
(setq gptel-model model)
(gptel--update-status " Waiting..." 'warning)
(setq position (point)))
(setq output-to-other-buffer-p t))
((setq gptel-buffer-name
(cl-some (lambda (s) (and (string-prefix-p "e" s)
(substring s 1)))
(setq buffer (get-buffer gptel-buffer-name))
(setq output-to-other-buffer-p t)
(let ((reduced-prompt
(or prompt
(if (use-region-p)
(buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning)
'gptel 'response
(when (get-char-property (max (point-min) (1- (point)))
(gptel--at-word-end (point)))))))
(with-current-buffer buffer
(goto-char (point-max))
(if (or buffer-read-only
(get-char-property (point) 'read-only))
(setq prompt reduced-prompt)
(insert reduced-prompt))
(setq position (point))
(when gptel-mode
(gptel--update-status " Waiting..." 'warning))))))
(when in-place
(setq prompt (gptel--create-prompt (point)))
(let ((beg
(if (use-region-p)
'gptel 'response
(when (get-char-property (max (point-min) (1- (point)))
(end (if (use-region-p) (region-end) (point))))
(kill-region beg end)))
:buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
:position position
:in-place (and in-place (not output-to-other-buffer-p))
:stream stream
:callback callback)
(when output-to-other-buffer-p
(message (concat "Prompt sent to buffer: "
(propertize gptel-buffer-name 'face 'help-key-binding)))
buffer '((display-buffer-reuse-window
(reusable-frames . visible))))))
;; ** Set system message
(defun gptel--read-crowdsourced-prompt ()
"Pick a crowdsourced system prompt for gptel.
This uses the prompts in the variable
`gptel--crowdsourced-prompts', which see."
(if (not (hash-table-empty-p (gptel--crowdsourced-prompts)))
(let ((choice
"Pick and edit prompt: "
(lambda (str pred action)
(if (eq action 'metadata)
(affixation-function .
(lambda (cands)
(lambda (c)
(list c ""
(concat (propertize " " 'display '(space :align-to 22))
" " (propertize (gethash c gptel--crowdsourced-prompts)
'face 'completions-annotations))))
(complete-with-action action gptel--crowdsourced-prompts str pred)))
nil t)))
(when-let ((prompt (gethash choice gptel--crowdsourced-prompts)))
(setq gptel--system-message prompt)
(call-interactively #'gptel--suffix-system-message)))
(message "No prompts available.")))
(transient-define-suffix gptel--suffix-system-message ()
"Set directives sent to ChatGPT."
:transient 'transient--do-exit
:description "Set custom directives"
:key "h"
(let ((orig-buf (current-buffer))
(msg-start (make-marker)))
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*gptel-system*")
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(setq header-line-format
"Edit your system message below and press "
(propertize "C-c C-c" 'face 'help-key-binding)
" when ready, or "
(propertize "C-c C-k" 'face 'help-key-binding)
" to abort."))
"# Example: You are a helpful assistant. Answer as concisely as possible.\n"
"# Example: Reply only with shell commands and no prose.\n"
"# Example: You are a poet. Reply only in verse.\n\n")
(point-min) (1- (point))
(list 'read-only t 'face 'font-lock-comment-face))
;; TODO: make-separator-line requires Emacs 28.1+.
;; (insert (propertize (make-separator-line) 'rear-nonsticky t))
(set-marker msg-start (point))
(insert (buffer-local-value 'gptel--system-message orig-buf))
(display-buffer (current-buffer)
(body-function . ,#'select-window)
(window-height . ,#'fit-window-to-buffer)))
(let ((quit-to-menu
(lambda ()
(local-unset-key (kbd "C-c C-c"))
(local-unset-key (kbd "C-c C-k"))
(body-function . ,#'select-window)))
(call-interactively #'gptel-menu))))
(local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-c")
(lambda ()
(let ((system-message
(buffer-substring msg-start (point-max))))
(with-current-buffer orig-buf
(setq gptel--system-message system-message)))
(funcall quit-to-menu)))
(local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-k") quit-to-menu)))))
;; ** Suffixes for rewriting/refactoring
(transient-define-suffix gptel--suffix-rewrite ()
"Rewrite or refactor region contents."
:key "r"
:description #'gptel--refactor-or-rewrite
(let* ((prompt (buffer-substring-no-properties
(region-beginning) (region-end)))
(stream gptel-stream)
(gptel--system-message gptel--rewrite-message))
(gptel-request prompt :stream stream)))
(transient-define-suffix gptel--suffix-rewrite-and-replace ()
"Refactor region contents and replace it."
:key "R"
:description (lambda () (concat (gptel--refactor-or-rewrite) " in place"))
(let* ((prompt (buffer-substring-no-properties
(region-beginning) (region-end)))
(stream gptel-stream)
(gptel--system-message gptel--rewrite-message))
(kill-region (region-beginning) (region-end))
(message "Original text saved to kill-ring.")
(gptel-request prompt :stream stream :in-place t)))
(transient-define-suffix gptel--suffix-rewrite-and-ediff (args)
"Refactoring or rewrite region contents and run Ediff."
:key "E"
:description (lambda () (concat (gptel--refactor-or-rewrite) " and Ediff"))
(interactive (list (transient-args transient-current-command)))
(let* ((prompt (buffer-substring-no-properties
(region-beginning) (region-end)))
(gptel--system-message gptel--rewrite-message))
(message "Waiting for response... ")
:context (cons (region-beginning) (region-end))
(lambda (response info)
(if (not response)
(message "ChatGPT response error: %s" (plist-get info :status))
(let* ((gptel-buffer (plist-get info :buffer))
(gptel-bounds (plist-get info :context))
(buffer-local-value 'major-mode gptel-buffer)))
(pcase-let ((`(,new-buf ,new-beg ,new-end)
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*gptel-rewrite-Region.B-*")
(funcall buffer-mode)
(insert response)
(goto-char (point-min))
(list (current-buffer) (point-min) (point-max)))))
(require 'ediff)
(get-buffer (ediff-make-cloned-buffer gptel-buffer "-Region.A-"))
(car gptel-bounds) (cdr gptel-bounds)
new-buf new-beg new-end
(if (transient-arg-value "-w" args)
(list 'ediff-regions-wordwise 'word-wise nil)
(list 'ediff-regions-linewise nil nil))))))))))
(provide 'gptel-transient)
;;; gptel-transient.el ends here
;; Local Variables:
;; outline-regexp: "^;; \\*+"
;; eval: (outline-minor-mode 1)
;; End: