llava : expose as a shared library for downstream projects (#3613)
* wip llava python bindings compatibility * add external llava API * add base64 in-prompt image support * wip refactor image loading * refactor image load out of llava init * cleanup * further cleanup; move llava-cli into its own file and rename * move base64.hpp into common/ * collapse clip and llava libraries * move llava into its own subdir * wip * fix bug where base64 string was not removed from the prompt * get libllava to output in the right place * expose llava methods in libllama.dylib * cleanup memory usage around clip_image_* * cleanup and refactor *again* * update headerdoc * build with cmake, not tested (WIP) * Editorconfig * Editorconfig * Build with make * Build with make * Fix cyclical depts on Windows * attempt to fix build on Windows * attempt to fix build on Windows * Upd TODOs * attempt to fix build on Windows+CUDA * Revert changes in cmake * Fix according to review comments * Support building as a shared library * address review comments --------- Co-authored-by: M. Yusuf Sarıgöz <yusufsarigoz@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Jared Van Bortel <jared@nomic.ai>
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 1022 additions and 354 deletions
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ models-mnt
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Define the default target now so that it is always the first target
main quantize quantize-stats perplexity embedding vdot q8dot train-text-from-scratch convert-llama2c-to-ggml \
simple batched batched-bench save-load-state server gguf llama-bench llava baby-llama beam-search \
simple batched batched-bench save-load-state server gguf llama-bench libllava.a llava-cli baby-llama beam-search \
speculative infill benchmark-matmult parallel finetune export-lora tests/test-c.o
# Binaries only useful for tests
@ -617,7 +617,10 @@ convert-llama2c-to-ggml: examples/convert-llama2c-to-ggml/convert-llama2c-to-ggm
llama-bench: examples/llama-bench/llama-bench.cpp ggml.o llama.o $(COMMON_DEPS) $(OBJS)
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(filter-out %.h,$^) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS)
llava: examples/llava/llava.cpp examples/llava/llava-utils.h examples/llava/clip.cpp examples/llava/clip.h common/stb_image.h ggml.o llama.o $(COMMON_DEPS) $(OBJS)
libllava.a: examples/llava/llava.cpp examples/llava/llava.h examples/llava/clip.cpp examples/llava/clip.h common/stb_image.h common/base64.hpp ggml.o llama.o $(COMMON_DEPS) $(OBJS)
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -static -fPIC -c $< -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) -Wno-cast-qual
llava-cli: examples/llava/llava-cli.cpp examples/llava/clip.h examples/llava/clip.cpp examples/llava/llava.h examples/llava/llava.cpp ggml.o llama.o $(COMMON_DEPS) $(OBJS)
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(filter-out %.h,$^) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) -Wno-cast-qual
baby-llama: examples/baby-llama/baby-llama.cpp ggml.o llama.o $(COMMON_DEPS) train.o $(OBJS)
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ endif()
set(TARGET common)
add_library(${TARGET} STATIC
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
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#include <cstdint>
#include <iterator>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
class base64_error : public std::runtime_error
using std::runtime_error::runtime_error;
class base64
enum class alphabet
/** the alphabet is detected automatically */
/** the standard base64 alphabet is used */
/** like `standard` except that the characters `+` and `/` are replaced by `-` and `_` respectively*/
enum class decoding_behavior
/** if the input is not padded, the remaining bits are ignored */
/** if a padding character is encounter decoding is finished */
Encodes all the elements from `in_begin` to `in_end` to `out`.
@warning The source and destination cannot overlap. The destination must be able to hold at least
`required_encode_size(std::distance(in_begin, in_end))`, otherwise the behavior depends on the output iterator.
@tparam Input_iterator the source; the returned elements are cast to `std::uint8_t` and should not be greater than
8 bits
@tparam Output_iterator the destination; the elements written to it are from the type `char`
@param in_begin the beginning of the source
@param in_end the ending of the source
@param out the destination iterator
@param alphabet which alphabet should be used
@returns the iterator to the next element past the last element copied
@throws see `Input_iterator` and `Output_iterator`
template<typename Input_iterator, typename Output_iterator>
static Output_iterator encode(Input_iterator in_begin, Input_iterator in_end, Output_iterator out,
alphabet alphabet = alphabet::standard)
constexpr auto pad = '=';
const char* alpha = alphabet == alphabet::url_filename_safe
? "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_"
: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
while (in_begin != in_end) {
std::uint8_t i0 = 0, i1 = 0, i2 = 0;
// first character
i0 = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(*in_begin);
*out = alpha[i0 >> 2 & 0x3f];
// part of first character and second
if (in_begin != in_end) {
i1 = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(*in_begin);
*out = alpha[((i0 & 0x3) << 4) | (i1 >> 4 & 0x0f)];
} else {
*out = alpha[(i0 & 0x3) << 4];
// last padding
*out = pad;
// last padding
*out = pad;
// part of second character and third
if (in_begin != in_end) {
i2 = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(*in_begin);
*out = alpha[((i1 & 0xf) << 2) | (i2 >> 6 & 0x03)];
} else {
*out = alpha[(i1 & 0xf) << 2];
// last padding
*out = pad;
// rest of third
*out = alpha[i2 & 0x3f];
return out;
Encodes a string.
@param str the string that should be encoded
@param alphabet which alphabet should be used
@returns the encoded base64 string
@throws see base64::encode()
static std::string encode(const std::string& str, alphabet alphabet = alphabet::standard)
std::string result;
result.reserve(required_encode_size(str.length()) + 1);
encode(str.begin(), str.end(), std::back_inserter(result), alphabet);
return result;
Encodes a char array.
@param buffer the char array
@param size the size of the array
@param alphabet which alphabet should be used
@returns the encoded string
static std::string encode(const char* buffer, std::size_t size, alphabet alphabet = alphabet::standard)
std::string result;
result.reserve(required_encode_size(size) + 1);
encode(buffer, buffer + size, std::back_inserter(result), alphabet);
return result;
Decodes all the elements from `in_begin` to `in_end` to `out`. `in_begin` may point to the same location as `out`,
in other words: inplace decoding is possible.
@warning The destination must be able to hold at least `required_decode_size(std::distance(in_begin, in_end))`,
otherwise the behavior depends on the output iterator.
@tparam Input_iterator the source; the returned elements are cast to `char`
@tparam Output_iterator the destination; the elements written to it are from the type `std::uint8_t`
@param in_begin the beginning of the source
@param in_end the ending of the source
@param out the destination iterator
@param alphabet which alphabet should be used
@param behavior the behavior when an error was detected
@returns the iterator to the next element past the last element copied
@throws base64_error depending on the set behavior
@throws see `Input_iterator` and `Output_iterator`
template<typename Input_iterator, typename Output_iterator>
static Output_iterator decode(Input_iterator in_begin, Input_iterator in_end, Output_iterator out,
alphabet alphabet = alphabet::auto_,
decoding_behavior behavior = decoding_behavior::moderate)
//constexpr auto pad = '=';
std::uint8_t last = 0;
auto bits = 0;
while (in_begin != in_end) {
auto c = *in_begin;
if (c == '=') {
auto part = _base64_value(alphabet, c);
// enough bits for one byte
if (bits + 6 >= 8) {
*out = (last << (8 - bits)) | (part >> (bits - 2));
bits -= 2;
} else {
bits += 6;
last = part;
// check padding
if (behavior != decoding_behavior::loose) {
while (in_begin != in_end) {
auto c = *in_begin;
if (c != '=') {
throw base64_error("invalid base64 character.");
return out;
Decodes a string.
@param str the base64 encoded string
@param alphabet which alphabet should be used
@param behavior the behavior when an error was detected
@returns the decoded string
@throws see base64::decode()
static std::string decode(const std::string& str, alphabet alphabet = alphabet::auto_,
decoding_behavior behavior = decoding_behavior::moderate)
std::string result;
decode(str.begin(), str.end(), std::back_inserter(result), alphabet, behavior);
return result;
Decodes a string.
@param buffer the base64 encoded buffer
@param size the size of the buffer
@param alphabet which alphabet should be used
@param behavior the behavior when an error was detected
@returns the decoded string
@throws see base64::decode()
static std::string decode(const char* buffer, std::size_t size, alphabet alphabet = alphabet::auto_,
decoding_behavior behavior = decoding_behavior::moderate)
std::string result;
decode(buffer, buffer + size, std::back_inserter(result), alphabet, behavior);
return result;
Decodes a string inplace.
@param[in,out] str the base64 encoded string
@param alphabet which alphabet should be used
@param behavior the behavior when an error was detected
@throws base64::decode_inplace()
static void decode_inplace(std::string& str, alphabet alphabet = alphabet::auto_,
decoding_behavior behavior = decoding_behavior::moderate)
str.resize(decode(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(), alphabet, behavior) - str.begin());
Decodes a char array inplace.
@param[in,out] str the string array
@param size the length of the array
@param alphabet which alphabet should be used
@param behavior the behavior when an error was detected
@returns the pointer to the next element past the last element decoded
@throws base64::decode_inplace()
static char* decode_inplace(char* str, std::size_t size, alphabet alphabet = alphabet::auto_,
decoding_behavior behavior = decoding_behavior::moderate)
return decode(str, str + size, str, alphabet, behavior);
Returns the required decoding size for a given size. The value is calculated with the following formula:
\lceil \frac{size}{4} \rceil \cdot 3
@param size the size of the encoded input
@returns the size of the resulting decoded buffer; this the absolute maximum
static std::size_t max_decode_size(std::size_t size) noexcept
return (size / 4 + (size % 4 ? 1 : 0)) * 3;
Returns the required encoding size for a given size. The value is calculated with the following formula:
\lceil \frac{size}{3} \rceil \cdot 4
@param size the size of the decoded input
@returns the size of the resulting encoded buffer
static std::size_t required_encode_size(std::size_t size) noexcept
return (size / 3 + (size % 3 ? 1 : 0)) * 4;
static std::uint8_t _base64_value(alphabet& alphabet, char c)
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') {
return c - 'A';
} else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {
return c - 'a' + 26;
} else if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
return c - '0' + 52;
// comes down to alphabet
if (alphabet == alphabet::standard) {
if (c == '+') {
return 62;
} else if (c == '/') {
return 63;
} else if (alphabet == alphabet::url_filename_safe) {
if (c == '-') {
return 62;
} else if (c == '_') {
return 63;
} // auto detect
else {
if (c == '+') {
alphabet = alphabet::standard;
return 62;
} else if (c == '/') {
alphabet = alphabet::standard;
return 63;
} else if (c == '-') {
alphabet = alphabet::url_filename_safe;
return 62;
} else if (c == '_') {
alphabet = alphabet::url_filename_safe;
return 63;
throw base64_error("invalid base64 character.");
@ -1,14 +1,36 @@
set(TARGET clip)
add_library(${TARGET} clip.cpp clip.h)
target_link_libraries(${TARGET} PRIVATE common ggml ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
target_compile_features(${TARGET} PRIVATE cxx_std_11)
target_compile_options(${TARGET} PRIVATE -Wno-cast-qual) # stb_image.h
add_library(llava OBJECT
target_link_libraries(llava PRIVATE ggml llama ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
target_include_directories(llava PUBLIC .)
target_include_directories(llava PUBLIC ../..)
target_include_directories(llava PUBLIC ../../common)
target_compile_features(llava PRIVATE cxx_std_11)
add_library(llava_static STATIC $<TARGET_OBJECTS:llava>)
target_compile_definitions(llava PRIVATE LLAMA_SHARED LLAMA_BUILD)
add_library(llava_shared SHARED $<TARGET_OBJECTS:llava>)
target_link_libraries(llava_shared PRIVATE ggml llama ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
install(TARGETS llava_shared LIBRARY)
set(TARGET llava)
add_executable(${TARGET} llava.cpp)
target_link_libraries(${TARGET} PRIVATE common llama clip ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
target_compile_features(${TARGET} PRIVATE cxx_std_11)
target_compile_options(llava PRIVATE -Wno-cast-qual) # stb_image.h
add_dependencies(llava BUILD_INFO)
set(TARGET llava-cli)
add_executable(llava-cli llava-cli.cpp)
install(TARGETS llava-cli RUNTIME)
target_link_libraries(llava-cli PRIVATE common llama llava ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
target_compile_features(llava PRIVATE cxx_std_11)
@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ models are available.
After API is confirmed, more models will be supported / uploaded.
## Usage
Build with cmake or run `make llava` to build it.
Build with cmake or run `make llava-cli` to build it.
After building, run: `./llava` to see the usage. For example:
After building, run: `./llava-cli` to see the usage. For example:
./llava -m llava-v1.5-7b/ggml-model-q5_k.gguf --mmproj llava-v1.5-7b/mmproj-model-f16.gguf --image path/to/an/image.jpg
./llava-cli -m llava-v1.5-7b/ggml-model-q5_k.gguf --mmproj llava-v1.5-7b/mmproj-model-f16.gguf --image path/to/an/image.jpg
**note**: A lower temperature like 0.1 is recommended for better quality. add `--temp 0.1` to the command to do so.
@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ Now both the LLaMA part and the image encoder is in the `llava-v1.5-7b` director
- [ ] Support server mode.
- [ ] Support non-CPU backend for the image encoding part.
- [ ] Support different sampling methods.
- [ ] Support more model variants.
@ -680,26 +680,44 @@ struct clip_ctx * clip_model_load(const char * fname, const int verbosity = 1) {
return new_clip;
clip_image_u8 * make_clip_image_u8() { return new clip_image_u8(); }
clip_image_u8 * make_clip_image_u8() {
auto img = new clip_image_u8();
return img;
clip_image_f32 * make_clip_image_f32() { return new clip_image_f32(); }
bool clip_image_load_from_file(const char * fname, clip_image_u8 * img) {
int nx, ny, nc;
auto data = stbi_load(fname, &nx, &ny, &nc, 3);
if (!data) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to load '%s'\n", __func__, fname);
return false;
void clip_image_u8_free(clip_image_u8 * img) { if (img->data) { delete[] img->data; } delete img; }
void clip_image_f32_free(clip_image_f32 * img) { if (img->data) { delete[] img->data; } delete img; }
static void build_clip_img_from_data(const stbi_uc * data, int nx, int ny, clip_image_u8 * img) {
img->nx = nx;
img->ny = ny;
img->size = nx * ny * 3;
img->data = new uint8_t[img->size]();
memcpy(img->data, data, img->size);
bool clip_image_load_from_file(const char * fname, clip_image_u8 * img) {
int nx, ny, nc;
auto data = stbi_load(fname, &nx, &ny, &nc, 3);
if (!data) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to load image '%s'\n", __func__, fname);
return false;
build_clip_img_from_data(data, nx, ny, img);
return true;
bool clip_image_load_from_bytes(const unsigned char * bytes, size_t bytes_length, struct clip_image_u8 * img) {
int nx, ny, nc;
auto data = stbi_load_from_memory(bytes, bytes_length, &nx, &ny, &nc, 3);
if (!data) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to decode image bytes\n", __func__);
return false;
build_clip_img_from_data(data, nx, ny, img);
return true;
@ -714,39 +732,40 @@ bool clip_image_preprocess(const clip_ctx * ctx, const clip_image_u8 * img, clip
// the logic below is to pad the shorter side to the longer side with a background color: rgb(122, 116, 104)
// see https://github.com/haotian-liu/LLaVA/blob/e854a2bf85118c504f6f16bf5c3c7c92f8fa8c6b/llava/conversation.py#L113-L156
clip_image_u8 temp; // we will keep the input image data here temporarily
clip_image_u8 * temp = make_clip_image_u8(); // we will keep the input image data here temporarily
if (pad2square && img->nx != img->ny) {
int longer_side = std::max(img->nx, img->ny);
temp.nx = longer_side;
temp.ny = longer_side;
temp.size = 3 * longer_side * longer_side;
temp.data = new uint8_t[temp.size]();
temp->nx = longer_side;
temp->ny = longer_side;
temp->size = 3 * longer_side * longer_side;
temp->data = new uint8_t[temp->size]();
uint8_t bc[3] = {122, 116, 104}; // bakground color in RGB from LLaVA
// fill with background color
for (size_t i = 0; i < temp.size; i++) {
temp.data[i] = bc[i % 3];
for (size_t i = 0; i < temp->size; i++) {
temp->data[i] = bc[i % 3];
// copy from the input image
for (int y = 0; y < img->ny; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < img->nx; x++) {
const int i = 3 * (y * img->nx + x);
const int j = 3 * (y * temp.nx + x);
temp.data[j] = img->data[i];
temp.data[j+1] = img->data[i+1];
temp.data[j+2] = img->data[i+2];
const int j = 3 * (y * temp->nx + x);
temp->data[j] = img->data[i];
temp->data[j+1] = img->data[i+1];
temp->data[j+2] = img->data[i+2];
} else {
temp.nx = img->nx;
temp.ny = img->ny;
temp.size = img->size;
temp.data = img->data;
temp->nx = img->nx;
temp->ny = img->ny;
temp->size = img->size;
temp->data = new uint8_t[temp->size]();
*temp->data = *img->data; // copy
const int nx = temp.nx;
const int ny = temp.ny;
const int nx = temp->nx;
const int ny = temp->ny;
const int nx2 = ctx->vision_model.hparams.image_size;
const int ny2 = ctx->vision_model.hparams.image_size;
@ -785,10 +804,10 @@ bool clip_image_preprocess(const clip_ctx * ctx, const clip_image_u8 * img, clip
const int j10 = 3 * (y1 * nx + x0) + c;
const int j11 = 3 * (y1 * nx + x1) + c;
const float v00 = temp.data[j00];
const float v01 = temp.data[j01];
const float v10 = temp.data[j10];
const float v11 = temp.data[j11];
const float v00 = temp->data[j00];
const float v01 = temp->data[j01];
const float v10 = temp->data[j10];
const float v11 = temp->data[j11];
const float v0 = v00 * (1.0f - dx) + v01 * dx;
const float v1 = v10 * (1.0f - dx) + v11 * dx;
@ -803,6 +822,7 @@ bool clip_image_preprocess(const clip_ctx * ctx, const clip_image_u8 * img, clip
return true;
@ -1049,16 +1069,16 @@ bool clip_model_quantize(const char * fname_inp, const char * fname_out, const i
return true;
int clip_n_mmproj_embd(struct clip_ctx * ctx) {
int clip_n_mmproj_embd(const struct clip_ctx * ctx) {
return ctx->vision_model.mm_2_b->ne[0];
int clip_n_patches(struct clip_ctx * ctx) {
int clip_n_patches(const struct clip_ctx * ctx) {
auto & params = ctx->vision_model.hparams;
return (params.image_size / params.patch_size) * (params.image_size / params.patch_size);
size_t clip_embd_nbytes(struct clip_ctx * ctx) {
size_t clip_embd_nbytes(const struct clip_ctx * ctx) {
return clip_n_patches(ctx) * clip_n_mmproj_embd(ctx) * sizeof(float);
@ -1,7 +1,22 @@
#ifndef CLIP_H
#define CLIP_H
#include "ggml.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
# if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
# define CLIP_API __declspec(dllexport)
# else
# define CLIP_API __declspec(dllimport)
# endif
# else
# define CLIP_API __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
# endif
# define CLIP_API
struct clip_ctx;
@ -20,19 +35,20 @@ struct clip_vision_hparams {
float eps;
struct clip_ctx * clip_model_load(const char * fname, const int verbosity);
/** load mmproj model */
CLIP_API struct clip_ctx * clip_model_load(const char * fname, const int verbosity);
/** free mmproj model */
CLIP_API void clip_free(struct clip_ctx * ctx);
void clip_free(struct clip_ctx * ctx);
size_t clip_embd_nbytes(struct clip_ctx * ctx);
int clip_n_patches(struct clip_ctx * ctx);
int clip_n_mmproj_embd(struct clip_ctx * ctx);
size_t clip_embd_nbytes(const struct clip_ctx * ctx);
int clip_n_patches(const struct clip_ctx * ctx);
int clip_n_mmproj_embd(const struct clip_ctx * ctx);
// RGB uint8 image
struct clip_image_u8 {
int nx;
int ny;
uint8_t * data;
uint8_t * data = NULL;
size_t size;
@ -41,7 +57,7 @@ struct clip_image_u8 {
struct clip_image_f32 {
int nx;
int ny;
float * data;
float * data = NULL;
size_t size;
@ -57,7 +73,12 @@ struct clip_image_f32_batch {
struct clip_image_u8 * make_clip_image_u8();
struct clip_image_f32 * make_clip_image_f32();
bool clip_image_load_from_file(const char * fname, struct clip_image_u8 * img);
CLIP_API void clip_image_u8_free(clip_image_u8 * img);
CLIP_API void clip_image_f32_free(clip_image_f32 * img);
CLIP_API bool clip_image_load_from_file(const char * fname, struct clip_image_u8 * img);
/** interpret bytes as an image file with length bytes_length, and use the result to populate img */
CLIP_API bool clip_image_load_from_bytes(const unsigned char * bytes, size_t bytes_length, struct clip_image_u8 * img);
bool clip_image_preprocess(const struct clip_ctx * ctx, const struct clip_image_u8 * img, struct clip_image_f32 * res, const bool pad2square);
bool clip_image_encode(const struct clip_ctx * ctx, const int n_threads, struct clip_image_f32 * img, float * vec);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
#include "ggml.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "clip.h"
#include "llava.h"
#include "llama.h"
#include "base64.hpp"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
static bool eval_tokens(struct llama_context * ctx_llama, std::vector<llama_token> tokens, int n_batch, int * n_past) {
int N = (int) tokens.size();
for (int i = 0; i < N; i += n_batch) {
int n_eval = (int) tokens.size() - i;
if (n_eval > n_batch) {
n_eval = n_batch;
if (llama_decode(ctx_llama, llama_batch_get_one(&tokens[i], n_eval, *n_past, 0))) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s : failed to eval. token %d/%d (batch size %d, n_past %d)\n", __func__, i, N, n_batch, *n_past);
return false;
*n_past += n_eval;
return true;
static bool eval_id(struct llama_context * ctx_llama, int id, int * n_past) {
std::vector<llama_token> tokens;
return eval_tokens(ctx_llama, tokens, 1, n_past);
static bool eval_string(struct llama_context * ctx_llama, const char* str, int n_batch, int * n_past, bool add_bos){
std::string str2 = str;
std::vector<llama_token> embd_inp = ::llama_tokenize(ctx_llama, str2, add_bos);
eval_tokens(ctx_llama, embd_inp, n_batch, n_past);
return true;
// TODO: use common/sampling.h
static llama_token sample_id(llama_context * ctx_llama, gpt_params & params) {
auto & sparams = params.sparams;
// out of user input, sample next token
const float temp = sparams.temp;
const int32_t top_k = sparams.top_k <= 0 ? llama_n_vocab(llama_get_model(ctx_llama)) : sparams.top_k;
const float top_p = sparams.top_p;
const float tfs_z = sparams.tfs_z;
const float typical_p = sparams.typical_p;
// const int32_t repeat_last_n = sparams.repeat_last_n < 0 ? n_ctx : sparams.repeat_last_n;
// const float repeat_penalty = sparams.repeat_penalty;
// const float alpha_presence = sparams.presence_penalty;
// const float alpha_frequency = sparams.frequency_penalty;
const int mirostat = sparams.mirostat;
const float mirostat_tau = sparams.mirostat_tau;
const float mirostat_eta = sparams.mirostat_eta;
// const bool penalize_nl = sparams.penalize_nl;
llama_token id = 0;
auto logits = llama_get_logits(ctx_llama);
auto n_vocab = llama_n_vocab(llama_get_model(ctx_llama));
// Apply params.logit_bias map
for (auto it = sparams.logit_bias.begin(); it != sparams.logit_bias.end(); it++) {
logits[it->first] += it->second;
std::vector<llama_token_data> candidates;
for (llama_token token_id = 0; token_id < n_vocab; token_id++) {
candidates.emplace_back(llama_token_data{token_id, logits[token_id], 0.0f});
llama_token_data_array candidates_p = { candidates.data(), candidates.size(), false };
if (temp <= 0) {
// Greedy sampling
id = llama_sample_token_greedy(ctx_llama, &candidates_p);
} else {
if (mirostat == 1) {
static float mirostat_mu = 2.0f * mirostat_tau;
const int mirostat_m = 100;
llama_sample_temp(ctx_llama, &candidates_p, temp);
id = llama_sample_token_mirostat(ctx_llama, &candidates_p, mirostat_tau, mirostat_eta, mirostat_m, &mirostat_mu);
} else if (mirostat == 2) {
static float mirostat_mu = 2.0f * mirostat_tau;
llama_sample_temp(ctx_llama, &candidates_p, temp);
id = llama_sample_token_mirostat_v2(ctx_llama, &candidates_p, mirostat_tau, mirostat_eta, &mirostat_mu);
} else {
// Temperature sampling
llama_sample_top_k(ctx_llama, &candidates_p, top_k, 1);
llama_sample_tail_free(ctx_llama, &candidates_p, tfs_z, 1);
llama_sample_typical(ctx_llama, &candidates_p, typical_p, 1);
llama_sample_top_p(ctx_llama, &candidates_p, top_p, 1);
llama_sample_temp(ctx_llama, &candidates_p, temp);
id = llama_sample_token(ctx_llama, &candidates_p);
return id;
static const char * sample(struct llama_context * ctx_llama, gpt_params & params, int * n_past) {
int id = sample_id(ctx_llama, params);
static std::string ret;
if (id == llama_token_eos(llama_get_model(ctx_llama))) {
ret = "</s>";
} else {
ret = llama_token_to_piece(ctx_llama, id);
eval_id(ctx_llama, id, n_past);
return ret.c_str();
static const char* IMG_BASE64_TAG_BEGIN = "<img src=\"data:image/jpeg;base64,";
static const char* IMG_BASE64_TAG_END = "\">";
static void find_image_tag_in_prompt(const std::string& prompt, size_t& begin_out, size_t& end_out) {
begin_out = prompt.find(IMG_BASE64_TAG_BEGIN);
end_out = prompt.find(IMG_BASE64_TAG_END, (begin_out == std::string::npos) ? 0UL : begin_out);
static bool prompt_contains_image(const std::string& prompt) {
size_t begin, end;
find_image_tag_in_prompt(prompt, begin, end);
return (begin != std::string::npos);
// replaces the base64 image tag in the prompt with `replacement`
static llava_image_embed * llava_image_embed_make_with_prompt_base64(struct clip_ctx * ctx_clip, int n_threads, const std::string& prompt) {
size_t img_base64_str_start, img_base64_str_end;
find_image_tag_in_prompt(prompt, img_base64_str_start, img_base64_str_end);
if (img_base64_str_start == std::string::npos || img_base64_str_end == std::string::npos) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid base64 image tag. must be %s<base64 byte string>%s\n", __func__, IMG_BASE64_TAG_BEGIN, IMG_BASE64_TAG_END);
return NULL;
auto base64_bytes_start = img_base64_str_start + strlen(IMG_BASE64_TAG_BEGIN);
auto base64_bytes_count = img_base64_str_end - base64_bytes_start;
auto base64_str = prompt.substr(base64_bytes_start, base64_bytes_count );
auto required_bytes = base64::required_encode_size(base64_str.size());
auto img_bytes = std::vector<unsigned char>(required_bytes);
base64::decode(base64_str.begin(), base64_str.end(), img_bytes.begin());
auto embed = llava_image_embed_make_with_bytes(ctx_clip, n_threads, img_bytes.data(), img_bytes.size());
if (!embed) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: could not load image from base64 string.\n", __func__);
return NULL;
return embed;
static std::string remove_image_from_prompt(const std::string& prompt, const char * replacement = "") {
size_t begin, end;
find_image_tag_in_prompt(prompt, begin, end);
if (begin == std::string::npos || end == std::string::npos) {
return prompt;
auto pre = prompt.substr(0, begin);
auto post = prompt.substr(end + strlen(IMG_BASE64_TAG_END));
return pre + replacement + post;
struct llava_context {
struct clip_ctx * ctx_clip = NULL;
struct llama_context * ctx_llama = NULL;
struct llama_model * model = NULL;
static void show_additional_info(int /*argc*/, char ** argv) {
printf("\n example usage: %s -m <llava-v1.5-7b/ggml-model-q5_k.gguf> --mmproj <llava-v1.5-7b/mmproj-model-f16.gguf> --image <path/to/an/image.jpg> [--temp 0.1] [-p \"describe the image in detail.\"]\n", argv[0]);
printf(" note: a lower temperature value like 0.1 is recommended for better quality.\n");
static struct llava_image_embed * load_image(llava_context * ctx_llava, gpt_params * params) {
// load and preprocess the image
llava_image_embed * embed = NULL;
auto prompt = params->prompt;
if (prompt_contains_image(prompt)) {
if (!params->image.empty()) {
printf("using base64 encoded image instead of command line image path\n");
embed = llava_image_embed_make_with_prompt_base64(ctx_llava->ctx_clip, params->n_threads, prompt);
if (!embed) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't load image from prompt\n", __func__);
return NULL;
params->prompt = remove_image_from_prompt(prompt);
} else {
embed = llava_image_embed_make_with_filename(ctx_llava->ctx_clip, params->n_threads, params->image.c_str());
if (!embed) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: is %s really an image file?\n", __func__, params->image.c_str());
return NULL;
return embed;
static void process_prompt(struct llava_context * ctx_llava, struct llava_image_embed * image_embed, gpt_params * params, const std::string & prompt) {
int n_past = 0;
const int max_tgt_len = params->n_predict < 0 ? 256 : params->n_predict;
// llava chat format is "<system_prompt>\nUSER:<image_embeddings>\n<textual_prompt>\nASSISTANT:"
eval_string(ctx_llava->ctx_llama, "A chat between a curious human and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the human's questions.\nUSER:", params->n_batch, &n_past, true);
llava_eval_image_embed(ctx_llava->ctx_llama, image_embed, params->n_batch, &n_past);
eval_string(ctx_llava->ctx_llama, (prompt + "\nASSISTANT:").c_str(), params->n_batch, &n_past, false);
// generate the response
for (int i = 0; i < max_tgt_len; i++) {
const char * tmp = sample(ctx_llava->ctx_llama, *params, &n_past);
if (strcmp(tmp, "</s>") == 0) break;
printf("%s", tmp);
static struct llava_context * llava_init(gpt_params * params) {
const char * clip_path = params->mmproj.c_str();
auto prompt = params->prompt;
if (prompt.empty()) {
prompt = "describe the image in detail.";
auto ctx_clip = clip_model_load(clip_path, /*verbosity=*/ 1);
llama_model_params model_params = llama_model_default_params();
llama_model * model = llama_load_model_from_file(params->model.c_str(), model_params);
if (model == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr , "%s: error: unable to load model\n" , __func__);
return NULL;
llama_context_params ctx_params = llama_context_default_params();
ctx_params.n_ctx = params->n_ctx < 2048 ? 2048 : params->n_ctx; // we need a longer context size to process image embeddings
ctx_params.n_threads = params->n_threads;
ctx_params.n_threads_batch = params->n_threads_batch == -1 ? params->n_threads : params->n_threads_batch;
llama_context * ctx_llama = llama_new_context_with_model(model, ctx_params);
if (ctx_llama == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr , "%s: error: failed to create the llama_context\n" , __func__);
return NULL;
auto ctx_llava = (struct llava_context *)malloc(sizeof(llava_context));
ctx_llava->ctx_llama = ctx_llama;
ctx_llava->ctx_clip = ctx_clip;
ctx_llava->model = model;
return ctx_llava;
static void llava_free(struct llava_context * ctx_llava) {
if (ctx_llava->ctx_clip) {
ctx_llava->ctx_clip = NULL;
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
gpt_params params;
if (!gpt_params_parse(argc, argv, params)) {
show_additional_info(argc, argv);
return 1;
if (params.mmproj.empty() || (params.image.empty() && !prompt_contains_image(params.prompt))) {
gpt_print_usage(argc, argv, params);
show_additional_info(argc, argv);
return 1;
auto ctx_llava = llava_init(¶ms);
if (ctx_llava == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: failed to init llava\n", __func__);
return 1;
auto image_embed = load_image(ctx_llava, ¶ms);
// process the prompt
process_prompt(ctx_llava, image_embed, ¶ms, params.prompt);
return 0;
@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
// this one and clip lib will be eventually merged to a single lib, let's keep it this way for now
#include "common.h"
#include "llama.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
inline bool eval_image_embd(llama_context * ctx_llama, float * embd, int N, int n_batch, int * n_past) {
int n_embd = llama_n_embd(llama_get_model(ctx_llama));
for (int i = 0; i < N; i += n_batch) {
int n_eval = N - i;
if (n_eval > n_batch) {
n_eval = n_batch;
llama_batch batch = {int32_t(n_eval), nullptr, (embd+i*n_embd), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, *n_past, 1, 0, };
if (llama_decode(ctx_llama, batch)) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s : failed to eval\n", __func__);
return false;
*n_past += n_eval;
return true;
inline bool eval_tokens(struct llama_context * ctx_llama, std::vector<llama_token> tokens, int n_batch, int * n_past) {
int N = (int) tokens.size();
for (int i = 0; i < N; i += n_batch) {
int n_eval = (int) tokens.size() - i;
if (n_eval > n_batch) {
n_eval = n_batch;
if (llama_decode(ctx_llama, llama_batch_get_one(&tokens[i], n_eval, *n_past, 0))) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s : failed to eval\n", __func__);
return false;
*n_past += n_eval;
return true;
inline bool eval_id(struct llama_context * ctx_llama, int id, int * n_past) {
std::vector<llama_token> tokens;
return eval_tokens(ctx_llama, tokens, 1, n_past);
inline bool eval_string(struct llama_context * ctx_llama, const char* str, int n_batch, int * n_past, bool add_bos){
std::string str2 = str;
std::vector<llama_token> embd_inp = ::llama_tokenize(ctx_llama, str2, add_bos);
eval_tokens(ctx_llama, embd_inp, n_batch, n_past);
return true;
// TODO: use common/sampling.h
inline llama_token sample_id(llama_context * ctx_llama, gpt_params & params) {
auto & sparams = params.sparams;
// out of user input, sample next token
const float temp = sparams.temp;
const int32_t top_k = sparams.top_k <= 0 ? llama_n_vocab(llama_get_model(ctx_llama)) : sparams.top_k;
const float top_p = sparams.top_p;
const float tfs_z = sparams.tfs_z;
const float typical_p = sparams.typical_p;
// const int32_t repeat_last_n = sparams.repeat_last_n < 0 ? n_ctx : sparams.repeat_last_n;
// const float repeat_penalty = sparams.repeat_penalty;
// const float alpha_presence = sparams.presence_penalty;
// const float alpha_frequency = sparams.frequency_penalty;
const int mirostat = sparams.mirostat;
const float mirostat_tau = sparams.mirostat_tau;
const float mirostat_eta = sparams.mirostat_eta;
// const bool penalize_nl = sparams.penalize_nl;
llama_token id = 0;
auto logits = llama_get_logits(ctx_llama);
auto n_vocab = llama_n_vocab(llama_get_model(ctx_llama));
// Apply params.logit_bias map
for (auto it = sparams.logit_bias.begin(); it != sparams.logit_bias.end(); it++) {
logits[it->first] += it->second;
std::vector<llama_token_data> candidates;
for (llama_token token_id = 0; token_id < n_vocab; token_id++) {
candidates.emplace_back(llama_token_data{token_id, logits[token_id], 0.0f});
llama_token_data_array candidates_p = { candidates.data(), candidates.size(), false };
// TODO: Apply penalties
// float nl_logit = logits[llama_token_nl(ctx)];
// auto last_n_repeat = std::min(std::min((int)last_n_tokens.size(), repeat_last_n), n_ctx);
// llama_sample_repetition_penalty(ctx, &candidates_p,
// last_n_tokens.data() + last_n_tokens.size() - last_n_repeat,
// last_n_repeat, repeat_penalty);
// llama_sample_frequency_and_presence_penalties(ctx, &candidates_p,
// last_n_tokens.data() + last_n_tokens.size() - last_n_repeat,
// last_n_repeat, alpha_frequency, alpha_presence);
// if (!penalize_nl) {
// logits[llama_token_nl(ctx)] = nl_logit;
// }
if (temp <= 0) {
// Greedy sampling
id = llama_sample_token_greedy(ctx_llama, &candidates_p);
} else {
if (mirostat == 1) {
static float mirostat_mu = 2.0f * mirostat_tau;
const int mirostat_m = 100;
llama_sample_temp(ctx_llama, &candidates_p, temp);
id = llama_sample_token_mirostat(ctx_llama, &candidates_p, mirostat_tau, mirostat_eta, mirostat_m, &mirostat_mu);
} else if (mirostat == 2) {
static float mirostat_mu = 2.0f * mirostat_tau;
llama_sample_temp(ctx_llama, &candidates_p, temp);
id = llama_sample_token_mirostat_v2(ctx_llama, &candidates_p, mirostat_tau, mirostat_eta, &mirostat_mu);
} else {
// Temperature sampling
llama_sample_top_k(ctx_llama, &candidates_p, top_k, 1);
llama_sample_tail_free(ctx_llama, &candidates_p, tfs_z, 1);
llama_sample_typical(ctx_llama, &candidates_p, typical_p, 1);
llama_sample_top_p(ctx_llama, &candidates_p, top_p, 1);
llama_sample_temp(ctx_llama, &candidates_p, temp);
id = llama_sample_token(ctx_llama, &candidates_p);
return id;
inline const char * sample(struct llama_context * ctx_llama, gpt_params & params, int * n_past) {
int id = sample_id(ctx_llama, params);
static std::string ret;
if (id == llama_token_eos(llama_get_model(ctx_llama))) {
ret = "</s>";
} else {
ret = llama_token_to_piece(ctx_llama, id);
eval_id(ctx_llama, id, n_past);
return ret.c_str();
@ -1,164 +1,156 @@
#include "clip.h"
#include "llava-utils.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "llama.h"
#include "llava.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
static void show_additional_info(int /*argc*/, char ** argv) {
printf("\n example usage: %s -m <llava-v1.5-7b/ggml-model-q5_k.gguf> --mmproj <llava-v1.5-7b/mmproj-model-f16.gguf> --image <path/to/an/image.jpg> [--temp 0.1] [-p \"describe the image in detail.\"]\n", argv[0]);
printf(" note: a lower temperature value like 0.1 is recommended for better quality.\n");
#include "base64.hpp"
static bool encode_image_with_clip(clip_ctx * ctx_clip, int n_threads, const clip_image_u8 * img, float * image_embd, int * n_img_pos) {
clip_image_f32 * img_res = make_clip_image_f32();
if (!clip_image_preprocess(ctx_clip, img, img_res, /*pad2square =*/ true)) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to preprocess image\n", __func__);
return false;
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
gpt_params params;
if (!gpt_params_parse(argc, argv, params)) {
show_additional_info(argc, argv);
return 1;
if (params.mmproj.empty() || params.image.empty()) {
gpt_print_usage(argc, argv, params);
show_additional_info(argc, argv);
return 1;
const char * clip_path = params.mmproj.c_str();
const char * img_path = params.image.c_str();
if (params.prompt.empty()) {
params.prompt = "describe the image in detail.";
auto ctx_clip = clip_model_load(clip_path, /*verbosity=*/ 1);
// load and preprocess the image
clip_image_u8 img;
clip_image_f32 img_res;
if (!clip_image_load_from_file(img_path, &img)) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: is %s really an image file?\n", __func__, img_path);
return 1;
if (!clip_image_preprocess(ctx_clip, &img, &img_res, /*pad2square =*/ true)) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: unable to preprocess %s\n", __func__, img_path);
return 1;
int n_img_pos = clip_n_patches(ctx_clip);
int n_img_embd = clip_n_mmproj_embd(ctx_clip);
float * image_embd = (float *)malloc(clip_embd_nbytes(ctx_clip));
if (!image_embd) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory for image embeddings\n");
return 1;
*n_img_pos = clip_n_patches(ctx_clip);
const int64_t t_img_enc_start_us = ggml_time_us();
if (!clip_image_encode(ctx_clip, params.n_threads, &img_res, image_embd)) {
bool encoded = clip_image_encode(ctx_clip, n_threads, img_res, image_embd);
if (!encoded) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to encode image\n");
return 1;
return false;
const int64_t t_img_enc_end_us = ggml_time_us();
float t_img_enc_ms = (t_img_enc_end_us - t_img_enc_start_us) / 1000.0;
// we get the embeddings, free up the memory required for CLIP
printf("\n%s: image encoded in %8.2f ms by CLIP (%8.2f ms per image patch)\n", __func__, t_img_enc_ms, t_img_enc_ms / *n_img_pos);
llama_model_params model_params = llama_model_default_params();
model_params.n_gpu_layers = params.n_gpu_layers;
model_params.main_gpu = params.main_gpu;
model_params.tensor_split = params.tensor_split;
model_params.use_mmap = params.use_mmap;
model_params.use_mlock = params.use_mlock;
llama_model * model = llama_load_model_from_file(params.model.c_str(), model_params);
if (model == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr , "%s: error: unable to load model\n" , __func__);
return 1;
llama_context_params ctx_params = llama_context_default_params();
ctx_params.n_ctx = params.n_ctx < 2048 ? 2048 : params.n_ctx; // we need a longer context size to process image embeddings
ctx_params.n_threads = params.n_threads;
ctx_params.n_threads_batch = params.n_threads_batch == -1 ? params.n_threads : params.n_threads_batch;
ctx_params.seed = params.seed;
llama_context * ctx_llama = llama_new_context_with_model(model, ctx_params);
if (ctx_llama == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr , "%s: error: failed to create the llama_context\n" , __func__);
return 1;
return true;
bool llava_validate_embed_size(const llama_context * ctx_llama, const clip_ctx * ctx_clip) {
// make sure that the correct mmproj was used, i.e., compare apples to apples
const int n_llama_embd = llama_n_embd(llama_get_model(ctx_llama));
int n_llama_embd = llama_n_embd(llama_get_model(ctx_llama));
auto n_image_embd = clip_n_mmproj_embd(ctx_clip);
if (n_image_embd != n_llama_embd) {
printf("%s: embedding dim of the multimodal projector (%d) is not equal to that of LLaMA (%d). Make sure that you use the correct mmproj file.\n", __func__, n_image_embd, n_llama_embd);
return false;
return true;
if (n_img_embd != n_llama_embd) {
printf("%s: embedding dim of the multimodal projector (%d) is not equal to that of LLaMA (%d). Make sure that you use the correct mmproj file.\n", __func__, n_img_embd, n_llama_embd);
static bool llava_image_embed_make_with_clip_img(clip_ctx * ctx_clip, int n_threads, const clip_image_u8 * img, float ** image_embd_out, int * n_img_pos_out) {
float * image_embd = (float *)malloc(clip_embd_nbytes(ctx_clip));
if (!image_embd) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory for image embeddings\n");
return 1;
return false;
// process the prompt
// llava chat format is "<system_prompt>USER: <image_embeddings>\n<textual_prompt>\nASSISTANT:"
int n_past = 0;
const int max_tgt_len = params.n_predict < 0 ? 256 : params.n_predict;
eval_string(ctx_llama, "A chat between a curious human and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the human's questions.\nUSER:", params.n_batch, &n_past, true);
eval_image_embd(ctx_llama, image_embd, n_img_pos, params.n_batch, &n_past);
eval_string(ctx_llama, (params.prompt + "\nASSISTANT:").c_str(), params.n_batch, &n_past, false);
// generate the response
printf("prompt: '%s'\n", params.prompt.c_str());
for (int i = 0; i < max_tgt_len; i++) {
const char * tmp = sample(ctx_llama, params, &n_past);
if (strcmp(tmp, "</s>") == 0) break;
printf("%s", tmp);
const float t_img_enc_ms = (t_img_enc_end_us - t_img_enc_start_us) / 1000.0;
printf("\n%s: image encoded in %8.2f ms by CLIP (%8.2f ms per image patch)\n", __func__, t_img_enc_ms, t_img_enc_ms / n_img_pos);
int n_img_pos;
if (!encode_image_with_clip(ctx_clip, n_threads, img, image_embd, &n_img_pos)) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot encode image, aborting\n", __func__);
return 0;
return false;
*image_embd_out = image_embd;
*n_img_pos_out = n_img_pos;
return true;
bool llava_eval_image_embed(llama_context * ctx_llama, const struct llava_image_embed * image_embed, int n_batch, int * n_past) {
int n_embd = llama_n_embd(llama_get_model(ctx_llama));
for (int i = 0; i < image_embed->n_image_pos; i += n_batch) {
int n_eval = image_embed->n_image_pos - i;
if (n_eval > n_batch) {
n_eval = n_batch;
llama_batch batch = {int32_t(n_eval), nullptr, (image_embed->embed+i*n_embd), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, *n_past, 1, 0, };
if (llama_decode(ctx_llama, batch)) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s : failed to eval\n", __func__);
return false;
*n_past += n_eval;
return true;
LLAVA_API struct llava_image_embed * llava_image_embed_make_with_bytes(struct clip_ctx * ctx_clip, int n_threads, const unsigned char * image_bytes, int image_bytes_length) {
clip_image_u8 * img = make_clip_image_u8();
if (!clip_image_load_from_bytes(image_bytes, image_bytes_length, img)) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't load image from bytes, is it a valid image?", __func__);
return NULL;
float* image_embed = NULL;
int n_image_pos = 0;
bool image_embed_result = llava_image_embed_make_with_clip_img(ctx_clip, n_threads, img, &image_embed, &n_image_pos);
if (!image_embed_result) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: coulnd't embed the image\n", __func__);
return NULL;
auto result = (llava_image_embed*)malloc(sizeof(llava_image_embed));
result->embed = image_embed;
result->n_image_pos = n_image_pos;
return result;
static bool load_file_to_bytes(const char* path, unsigned char** bytesOut, long *sizeOut) {
auto file = fopen(path, "rb");
if (file == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't read file %s\n", __func__, path);
return false;
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
auto fileSize = ftell(file);
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
auto buffer = (unsigned char *)malloc(fileSize); // Allocate memory to hold the file data
if (buffer == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to alloc %ld bytes for file %s\n", __func__, fileSize, path);
perror("Memory allocation error");
return false;
fread(buffer, 1, fileSize, file); // Read the file into the buffer
fclose(file); // Close the file
*bytesOut = buffer;
*sizeOut = fileSize;
return true;
LLAVA_API struct llava_image_embed * llava_image_embed_make_with_filename(struct clip_ctx * ctx_clip, int n_threads, const char * image_path) {
unsigned char* image_bytes;
long image_bytes_length;
auto loaded = load_file_to_bytes(image_path, &image_bytes, &image_bytes_length);
if (!loaded) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to load %s\n", __func__, image_path);
return NULL;
auto embed = llava_image_embed_make_with_bytes(ctx_clip, n_threads, image_bytes, image_bytes_length);
return embed;
LLAVA_API void llava_image_embed_free(struct llava_image_embed * embed) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#ifndef LLAVA_H
#define LLAVA_H
#include "ggml.h"
# if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
# define LLAVA_API __declspec(dllexport)
# else
# define LLAVA_API __declspec(dllimport)
# endif
# else
# define LLAVA_API __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
# endif
# define LLAVA_API
struct clip_ctx;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
struct llava_image_embed {
float * embed;
int n_image_pos;
/** sanity check for clip <-> llava embed size match */
LLAVA_API bool llava_validate_embed_size(const llama_context * ctx_llama, const clip_ctx * ctx_clip);
/** build an image embed from image file bytes */
LLAVA_API struct llava_image_embed * llava_image_embed_make_with_bytes(struct clip_ctx * ctx_clip, int n_threads, const unsigned char * image_bytes, int image_bytes_length);
/** build an image embed from a path to an image filename */
LLAVA_API struct llava_image_embed * llava_image_embed_make_with_filename(struct clip_ctx * ctx_clip, int n_threads, const char * image_path);
LLAVA_API void llava_image_embed_free(struct llava_image_embed * embed);
/** free an embedding made with llava_image_embed_make_* */
/** write the image represented by embed into the llama context with batch size n_batch, starting at context pos n_past. on completion, n_past points to the next position in the context after the image embed. */
LLAVA_API bool llava_eval_image_embed(struct llama_context * ctx_llama, const struct llava_image_embed * embed, int n_batch, int * n_past);
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ install(TARGETS ${TARGET} RUNTIME)
target_compile_definitions(${TARGET} PRIVATE
target_link_libraries(${TARGET} PRIVATE common llama clip ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
target_link_libraries(${TARGET} PRIVATE common llama llava ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT})
if (WIN32)
Add table
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