metal : parallel command buffer encoding (#1860)
* metal : parallel command buffer encoding * metal : determine number of command buffers based on gf->n_threads
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 471 additions and 447 deletions
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ void ggml_metal_set_tensor(struct ggml_metal_context * ctx, struct ggml_tensor *
void ggml_metal_get_tensor(struct ggml_metal_context * ctx, struct ggml_tensor * t);
// same as ggml_graph_compute but uses Metal
// creates gf->n_threads command buffers in parallel
void ggml_metal_graph_compute(struct ggml_metal_context * ctx, struct ggml_cgraph * gf);
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -284,528 +284,551 @@ void ggml_metal_get_tensor(
void ggml_metal_graph_compute(
struct ggml_metal_context * ctx,
struct ggml_cgraph * gf) {
struct ggml_cgraph * gf) {
metal_printf("%s: evaluating graph\n", __func__);
size_t offs_src0 = 0;
size_t offs_src1 = 0;
size_t offs_dst = 0;
// create multiple command buffers and enqueue them
// then, we encode the graph into the command buffers in parallel
id<MTLCommandBuffer> command_buffer = [ctx->queue commandBuffer];
id<MTLComputeCommandEncoder> encoder = nil;
const int n_cb = gf->n_threads;
for (int i = 0; i < gf->n_nodes; ++i) {
//metal_printf("%s: encoding node %3d, op = %8s\n", __func__, i, ggml_op_name(gf->nodes[i]->op));
NSMutableArray * command_buffers = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:n_cb];
struct ggml_tensor * src0 = gf->nodes[i]->src0;
struct ggml_tensor * src1 = gf->nodes[i]->src1;
struct ggml_tensor * dst = gf->nodes[i];
for (int i = 0; i < n_cb; ++i) {
command_buffers[i] = [ctx->queue commandBuffer];
const int64_t ne00 = src0 ? src0->ne[0] : 0;
const int64_t ne01 = src0 ? src0->ne[1] : 0;
const int64_t ne02 = src0 ? src0->ne[2] : 0;
const int64_t ne03 = src0 ? src0->ne[3] : 0;
// enqueue the command buffers in order to specify their execution order
[command_buffers[i] enqueue];
const uint64_t nb00 = src0 ? src0->nb[0] : 0;
const uint64_t nb01 = src0 ? src0->nb[1] : 0;
const uint64_t nb02 = src0 ? src0->nb[2] : 0;
const uint64_t nb03 = src0 ? src0->nb[3] : 0;
// TODO: is this the best way to start threads?
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create("llama.cpp", DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT);
const int64_t ne10 = src1 ? src1->ne[0] : 0;
const int64_t ne11 = src1 ? src1->ne[1] : 0;
const int64_t ne12 = src1 ? src1->ne[2] : 0;
const int64_t ne13 = src1 ? src1->ne[3] : 0; UNUSED(ne13);
for (int cb_idx = 0; cb_idx < n_cb; ++cb_idx) {
const int n_nodes_per_cb = (gf->n_nodes + n_cb - 1) / n_cb;
const uint64_t nb10 = src1 ? src1->nb[0] : 0;
const uint64_t nb11 = src1 ? src1->nb[1] : 0;
const uint64_t nb12 = src1 ? src1->nb[2] : 0;
const uint64_t nb13 = src1 ? src1->nb[3] : 0; UNUSED(nb13);
dispatch_async(queue, ^{
size_t offs_src0 = 0;
size_t offs_src1 = 0;
size_t offs_dst = 0;
const int64_t ne0 = dst ? dst->ne[0] : 0;
const int64_t ne1 = dst ? dst->ne[1] : 0;
const int64_t ne2 = dst ? dst->ne[2] : 0;
const int64_t ne3 = dst ? dst->ne[3] : 0;
id<MTLCommandBuffer> command_buffer = command_buffers[cb_idx];
const uint64_t nb0 = dst ? dst->nb[0] : 0;
const uint64_t nb1 = dst ? dst->nb[1] : 0;
const uint64_t nb2 = dst ? dst->nb[2] : 0;
const uint64_t nb3 = dst ? dst->nb[3] : 0;
id<MTLComputeCommandEncoder> encoder = nil;
const enum ggml_type src0t = src0 ? src0->type : GGML_TYPE_COUNT;
const enum ggml_type src1t = src1 ? src1->type : GGML_TYPE_COUNT;
const enum ggml_type dstt = dst ? dst->type : GGML_TYPE_COUNT;
const int node_start = (cb_idx + 0) * n_nodes_per_cb;
const int node_end = (cb_idx == n_cb - 1) ? gf->n_nodes : (cb_idx + 1) * n_nodes_per_cb;
id<MTLBuffer> id_src0 = src0 ? ggml_metal_get_buffer(ctx, src0, &offs_src0) : nil;
id<MTLBuffer> id_src1 = src1 ? ggml_metal_get_buffer(ctx, src1, &offs_src1) : nil;
id<MTLBuffer> id_dst = dst ? ggml_metal_get_buffer(ctx, dst, &offs_dst) : nil;
for (int i = node_start; i < node_end; ++i) {
metal_printf("%s: encoding node %3d, op = %8s\n", __func__, i, ggml_op_name(gf->nodes[i]->op));
//metal_printf("%s: op - %s\n", __func__, ggml_op_name(dst->op));
//if (src0) {
// metal_printf("%s: src0 - %4s [%5lld, %5lld, %5lld], %d, %s\n", __func__, ggml_type_name(src0t), ne00, ne01, ne02,
// ggml_is_contiguous(src0), src0->name);
//if (src1) {
// metal_printf("%s: src1 - %4s [%5lld, %5lld, %5lld], %d, %s\n", __func__, ggml_type_name(src1t), ne10, ne11, ne12,
// ggml_is_contiguous(src1), src1->name);
//if (dst) {
// metal_printf("%s: dst - %4s [%5lld, %5lld, %5lld], 1, %s\n", __func__, ggml_type_name(dstt), ne0, ne1, ne2,
// dst->name);
struct ggml_tensor * src0 = gf->nodes[i]->src0;
struct ggml_tensor * src1 = gf->nodes[i]->src1;
struct ggml_tensor * dst = gf->nodes[i];
switch (dst->op) {
// noop
} break;
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
const int64_t ne00 = src0 ? src0->ne[0] : 0;
const int64_t ne01 = src0 ? src0->ne[1] : 0;
const int64_t ne02 = src0 ? src0->ne[2] : 0;
const int64_t ne03 = src0 ? src0->ne[3] : 0;
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_add];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src1 offset:offs_src1 atIndex:1];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:2];
const uint64_t nb00 = src0 ? src0->nb[0] : 0;
const uint64_t nb01 = src0 ? src0->nb[1] : 0;
const uint64_t nb02 = src0 ? src0->nb[2] : 0;
const uint64_t nb03 = src0 ? src0->nb[3] : 0;
const int64_t n = ggml_nelements(dst);
const int64_t ne10 = src1 ? src1->ne[0] : 0;
const int64_t ne11 = src1 ? src1->ne[1] : 0;
const int64_t ne12 = src1 ? src1->ne[2] : 0;
const int64_t ne13 = src1 ? src1->ne[3] : 0; UNUSED(ne13);
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(n, 1, 1) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1)];
} break;
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
const uint64_t nb10 = src1 ? src1->nb[0] : 0;
const uint64_t nb11 = src1 ? src1->nb[1] : 0;
const uint64_t nb12 = src1 ? src1->nb[2] : 0;
const uint64_t nb13 = src1 ? src1->nb[3] : 0; UNUSED(nb13);
if (ggml_nelements(src1) == ne10) {
// src1 is a row
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_mul_row];
} else {
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_mul];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src1 offset:offs_src1 atIndex:1];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:2];
[encoder setBytes:&ne00 length:sizeof(ne00) atIndex:3];
const int64_t ne0 = dst ? dst->ne[0] : 0;
const int64_t ne1 = dst ? dst->ne[1] : 0;
const int64_t ne2 = dst ? dst->ne[2] : 0;
const int64_t ne3 = dst ? dst->ne[3] : 0;
const int64_t n = ggml_nelements(dst);
const uint64_t nb0 = dst ? dst->nb[0] : 0;
const uint64_t nb1 = dst ? dst->nb[1] : 0;
const uint64_t nb2 = dst ? dst->nb[2] : 0;
const uint64_t nb3 = dst ? dst->nb[3] : 0;
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(n, 1, 1) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1)];
} break;
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
const enum ggml_type src0t = src0 ? src0->type : GGML_TYPE_COUNT;
const enum ggml_type src1t = src1 ? src1->type : GGML_TYPE_COUNT;
const enum ggml_type dstt = dst ? dst->type : GGML_TYPE_COUNT;
const float scale = *(const float *) src1->data;
id<MTLBuffer> id_src0 = src0 ? ggml_metal_get_buffer(ctx, src0, &offs_src0) : nil;
id<MTLBuffer> id_src1 = src1 ? ggml_metal_get_buffer(ctx, src1, &offs_src1) : nil;
id<MTLBuffer> id_dst = dst ? ggml_metal_get_buffer(ctx, dst, &offs_dst) : nil;
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_scale];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:1];
[encoder setBytes:&scale length:sizeof(scale) atIndex:2];
//metal_printf("%s: op - %s\n", __func__, ggml_op_name(dst->op));
//if (src0) {
// metal_printf("%s: src0 - %4s [%5lld, %5lld, %5lld], %d, %s\n", __func__, ggml_type_name(src0t), ne00, ne01, ne02,
// ggml_is_contiguous(src0), src0->name);
//if (src1) {
// metal_printf("%s: src1 - %4s [%5lld, %5lld, %5lld], %d, %s\n", __func__, ggml_type_name(src1t), ne10, ne11, ne12,
// ggml_is_contiguous(src1), src1->name);
//if (dst) {
// metal_printf("%s: dst - %4s [%5lld, %5lld, %5lld], 1, %s\n", __func__, ggml_type_name(dstt), ne0, ne1, ne2,
// dst->name);
const int64_t n = ggml_nelements(dst);
switch (dst->op) {
// noop
} break;
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(n, 1, 1) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1)];
} break;
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_add];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src1 offset:offs_src1 atIndex:1];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:2];
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_silu];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:1];
const int64_t n = ggml_nelements(dst);
const int64_t n = ggml_nelements(dst);
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(n, 1, 1) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1)];
} break;
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(n, 1, 1) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1)];
} break;
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
if (ggml_nelements(src1) == ne10) {
// src1 is a row
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_mul_row];
} else {
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_mul];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src1 offset:offs_src1 atIndex:1];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:2];
[encoder setBytes:&ne00 length:sizeof(ne00) atIndex:3];
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_relu];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:1];
const int64_t n = ggml_nelements(dst);
const int64_t n = ggml_nelements(dst);
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(n, 1, 1) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1)];
} break;
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(n, 1, 1) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1)];
} break;
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
const float scale = *(const float *) src1->data;
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_gelu];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:1];
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_scale];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:1];
[encoder setBytes:&scale length:sizeof(scale) atIndex:2];
const int64_t n = ggml_nelements(dst);
const int64_t n = ggml_nelements(dst);
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(n, 1, 1) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1)];
} break;
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(n, 1, 1) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1)];
} break;
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
const int nth = 32;
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_silu];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:1];
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_soft_max];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:1];
[encoder setBytes:&ne00 length:sizeof(ne00) atIndex:2];
[encoder setBytes:&ne01 length:sizeof(ne01) atIndex:3];
[encoder setBytes:&ne02 length:sizeof(ne02) atIndex:4];
[encoder setThreadgroupMemoryLength:nth*sizeof(float) atIndex:0];
const int64_t n = ggml_nelements(dst);
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(ne01, ne02, ne03) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(nth, 1, 1)];
} break;
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(n, 1, 1) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1)];
} break;
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
const int n_past = ((int32_t *)(src1->data))[0];
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_relu];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:1];
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_diag_mask_inf];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:1];
[encoder setBytes:&ne00 length:sizeof(ne00) atIndex:2];
[encoder setBytes:&ne01 length:sizeof(ne01) atIndex:3];
[encoder setBytes:&n_past length:sizeof(int) atIndex:4];
const int64_t n = ggml_nelements(dst);
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(ne00, ne01, ne02) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1)];
} break;
// TODO: needs to be updated after PR:
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(n, 1, 1) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1)];
} break;
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
GGML_ASSERT(ne00 == ne10);
GGML_ASSERT(ne02 == ne12);
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_gelu];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:1];
if (ggml_is_contiguous(src0) &&
ggml_is_contiguous(src1) &&
(src0t == GGML_TYPE_F32 || src0t == GGML_TYPE_F16) && ne11 > 1) {
const int64_t n = ggml_nelements(dst);
if (encoder != nil) {
[encoder endEncoding];
encoder = nil;
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(n, 1, 1) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1)];
} break;
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
MPSDataType src0dt = src0t == GGML_TYPE_F32 ? MPSDataTypeFloat32 : MPSDataTypeFloat16;
MPSDataType src1dt = src1t == GGML_TYPE_F32 ? MPSDataTypeFloat32 : MPSDataTypeFloat16;
const int nth = 32;
// for F32 x F32 we use MPS
MPSMatrixDescriptor * desc0 = [MPSMatrixDescriptor
matrixDescriptorWithRows:ne01 columns:ne00 rowBytes:src0->nb[1] dataType:src0dt];
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_soft_max];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:1];
[encoder setBytes:&ne00 length:sizeof(ne00) atIndex:2];
[encoder setBytes:&ne01 length:sizeof(ne01) atIndex:3];
[encoder setBytes:&ne02 length:sizeof(ne02) atIndex:4];
[encoder setThreadgroupMemoryLength:nth*sizeof(float) atIndex:0];
MPSMatrixDescriptor * desc1 = [MPSMatrixDescriptor
matrixDescriptorWithRows:ne11 columns:ne10 rowBytes:src1->nb[1] dataType:src1dt];
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(ne01, ne02, ne03) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(nth, 1, 1)];
} break;
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
MPSMatrixDescriptor * desc = [MPSMatrixDescriptor
matrixDescriptorWithRows:ne1 columns:ne0 rowBytes:dst->nb[1] dataType:MPSDataTypeFloat32];
const int n_past = ((int32_t *)(src1->data))[0];
MPSMatrixMultiplication * mul = [[MPSMatrixMultiplication alloc]
initWithDevice:ctx->device transposeLeft:false transposeRight:true
resultRows:ne11 resultColumns:ne01 interiorColumns:ne00 alpha:1.0 beta:0.0];
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_diag_mask_inf];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:1];
[encoder setBytes:&ne00 length:sizeof(ne00) atIndex:2];
[encoder setBytes:&ne01 length:sizeof(ne01) atIndex:3];
[encoder setBytes:&n_past length:sizeof(int) atIndex:4];
// we need to do ne02 multiplications
// TODO: is there a way to do this in parallel - currently very slow ..
// TODO: might be possible to offload part of the computation to ANE using Accelerate's CBLAS
for (int64_t i02 = 0; i02 < ne02; ++i02) {
size_t offs_src0_cur = offs_src0 + i02*nb02;
size_t offs_src1_cur = offs_src1 + i02*nb12;
size_t offs_dst_cur = offs_dst + i02*nb2;
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(ne00, ne01, ne02) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1)];
} break;
// TODO: needs to be updated after PR:
MPSMatrix * mat_src0 = [[MPSMatrix alloc] initWithBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0_cur descriptor:desc0];
MPSMatrix * mat_src1 = [[MPSMatrix alloc] initWithBuffer:id_src1 offset:offs_src1_cur descriptor:desc1];
MPSMatrix * mat_dst = [[MPSMatrix alloc] initWithBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst_cur descriptor:desc ];
GGML_ASSERT(ne00 == ne10);
GGML_ASSERT(ne02 == ne12);
[mul encodeToCommandBuffer:command_buffer leftMatrix:mat_src1 rightMatrix:mat_src0 resultMatrix:mat_dst];
} else {
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
if (ggml_is_contiguous(src0) &&
ggml_is_contiguous(src1) &&
(src0t == GGML_TYPE_F32 || src0t == GGML_TYPE_F16) && ne11 > 1) {
int nth0 = 32;
int nth1 = 1;
// use custom matrix x vector kernel
switch (src0t) {
case GGML_TYPE_F16:
GGML_ASSERT(ne02 == ne12);
nth0 = 64;
nth1 = 1;
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_mul_mat_f16_f32];
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q4_0:
GGML_ASSERT(ne02 == 1);
GGML_ASSERT(ne12 == 1);
nth0 = 8;
nth1 = 8;
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_mul_mat_q4_0_f32];
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q4_1:
GGML_ASSERT(ne02 == 1);
GGML_ASSERT(ne12 == 1);
nth0 = 8;
nth1 = 8;
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_mul_mat_q4_1_f32];
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q2_K:
GGML_ASSERT(ne02 == 1);
GGML_ASSERT(ne12 == 1);
nth0 = 4;
nth1 = 16;
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_mul_mat_q2_k_f32];
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q3_K:
GGML_ASSERT(ne02 == 1);
GGML_ASSERT(ne12 == 1);
nth0 = 4;
nth1 = 16;
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_mul_mat_q3_k_f32];
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q4_K:
GGML_ASSERT(ne02 == 1);
GGML_ASSERT(ne12 == 1);
nth0 = 4;
nth1 = 16;
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_mul_mat_q4_k_f32];
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q5_K:
GGML_ASSERT(ne02 == 1);
GGML_ASSERT(ne12 == 1);
nth0 = 4;
nth1 = 16;
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_mul_mat_q5_k_f32];
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q6_K:
GGML_ASSERT(ne02 == 1);
GGML_ASSERT(ne12 == 1);
nth0 = 4;
nth1 = 16;
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_mul_mat_q6_k_f32];
} break;
fprintf(stderr, "Asserting on type %d\n",(int)src0t);
GGML_ASSERT(false && "not implemented");
if (encoder != nil) {
[encoder endEncoding];
encoder = nil;
MPSDataType src0dt = src0t == GGML_TYPE_F32 ? MPSDataTypeFloat32 : MPSDataTypeFloat16;
MPSDataType src1dt = src1t == GGML_TYPE_F32 ? MPSDataTypeFloat32 : MPSDataTypeFloat16;
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src1 offset:offs_src1 atIndex:1];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:2];
[encoder setBytes:&ne00 length:sizeof(ne00) atIndex:3];
[encoder setBytes:&ne01 length:sizeof(ne01) atIndex:4];
[encoder setBytes:&nb00 length:sizeof(nb00) atIndex:5];
[encoder setBytes:&nb01 length:sizeof(nb01) atIndex:6];
[encoder setBytes:&nb02 length:sizeof(nb02) atIndex:7];
[encoder setBytes:&ne10 length:sizeof(ne10) atIndex:8];
[encoder setBytes:&ne11 length:sizeof(ne11) atIndex:9];
[encoder setBytes:&nb10 length:sizeof(nb10) atIndex:10];
[encoder setBytes:&nb11 length:sizeof(nb11) atIndex:11];
[encoder setBytes:&nb12 length:sizeof(nb12) atIndex:12];
[encoder setBytes:&ne0 length:sizeof(ne0) atIndex:13];
[encoder setBytes:&ne1 length:sizeof(ne1) atIndex:14];
// for F32 x F32 we use MPS
MPSMatrixDescriptor * desc0 = [MPSMatrixDescriptor
matrixDescriptorWithRows:ne01 columns:ne00 rowBytes:src0->nb[1] dataType:src0dt];
if (src0t == GGML_TYPE_Q4_0 || src0t == GGML_TYPE_Q4_1) {
[encoder setThreadgroupMemoryLength:nth0*nth1*sizeof(float) atIndex:0];
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(ne01, ne11, 1) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(nth0, nth1, 1)];
else if (src0t == GGML_TYPE_Q2_K ||
src0t == GGML_TYPE_Q3_K ||
src0t == GGML_TYPE_Q4_K ||
src0t == GGML_TYPE_Q5_K ||
src0t == GGML_TYPE_Q6_K) {
[encoder setThreadgroupMemoryLength:nth0*nth1*sizeof(float) atIndex:0];
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(ne01, 1, 1) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(nth0, nth1, 1)];
} else {
[encoder setThreadgroupMemoryLength:nth0*sizeof(float) atIndex:0];
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(ne01, ne11, ne12) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(nth0, nth1, 1)];
} break;
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
MPSMatrixDescriptor * desc1 = [MPSMatrixDescriptor
matrixDescriptorWithRows:ne11 columns:ne10 rowBytes:src1->nb[1] dataType:src1dt];
switch (src0->type) {
case GGML_TYPE_F16: [encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_get_rows_f16]; break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q4_0: [encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_get_rows_q4_0]; break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q4_1: [encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_get_rows_q4_1]; break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q2_K: [encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_get_rows_q2_k]; break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q3_K: [encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_get_rows_q3_k]; break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q4_K: [encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_get_rows_q4_k]; break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q5_K: [encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_get_rows_q5_k]; break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q6_K: [encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_get_rows_q6_k]; break;
default: GGML_ASSERT(false && "not implemented");
MPSMatrixDescriptor * desc = [MPSMatrixDescriptor
matrixDescriptorWithRows:ne1 columns:ne0 rowBytes:dst->nb[1] dataType:MPSDataTypeFloat32];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src1 offset:offs_src1 atIndex:1];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:2];
[encoder setBytes:&(src0->ne[0]) length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:3];
[encoder setBytes:&(src0->nb[1]) length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:4];
[encoder setBytes:&(dst->nb[1]) length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:5];
MPSMatrixMultiplication * mul = [[MPSMatrixMultiplication alloc]
initWithDevice:ctx->device transposeLeft:false transposeRight:true
resultRows:ne11 resultColumns:ne01 interiorColumns:ne00 alpha:1.0 beta:0.0];
const int64_t n = ggml_nelements(src1);
// we need to do ne02 multiplications
// TODO: is there a way to do this in parallel - currently very slow ..
// TODO: might be possible to offload part of the computation to ANE using Accelerate's CBLAS
for (int64_t i02 = 0; i02 < ne02; ++i02) {
size_t offs_src0_cur = offs_src0 + i02*nb02;
size_t offs_src1_cur = offs_src1 + i02*nb12;
size_t offs_dst_cur = offs_dst + i02*nb2;
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(n, 1, 1) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1)];
} break;
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
MPSMatrix * mat_src0 = [[MPSMatrix alloc] initWithBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0_cur descriptor:desc0];
MPSMatrix * mat_src1 = [[MPSMatrix alloc] initWithBuffer:id_src1 offset:offs_src1_cur descriptor:desc1];
MPSMatrix * mat_dst = [[MPSMatrix alloc] initWithBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst_cur descriptor:desc ];
const float eps = 1e-6f;
[mul encodeToCommandBuffer:command_buffer leftMatrix:mat_src1 rightMatrix:mat_src0 resultMatrix:mat_dst];
} else {
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
const int nth = 256;
int nth0 = 32;
int nth1 = 1;
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_rms_norm];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:1];
[encoder setBytes:&ne00 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:2];
[encoder setBytes:&nb01 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:3];
[encoder setBytes:&eps length:sizeof( float) atIndex:4];
[encoder setThreadgroupMemoryLength:nth*sizeof(float) atIndex:0];
// use custom matrix x vector kernel
switch (src0t) {
case GGML_TYPE_F16:
GGML_ASSERT(ne02 == ne12);
const int64_t nrows = ggml_nrows(src0);
nth0 = 64;
nth1 = 1;
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_mul_mat_f16_f32];
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q4_0:
GGML_ASSERT(ne02 == 1);
GGML_ASSERT(ne12 == 1);
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(nrows, 1, 1) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(nth, 1, 1)];
} break;
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
nth0 = 8;
nth1 = 8;
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_mul_mat_q4_0_f32];
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q4_1:
GGML_ASSERT(ne02 == 1);
GGML_ASSERT(ne12 == 1);
const int n_dims = ((int32_t *) src1->data)[1];
const int mode = ((int32_t *) src1->data)[2];
nth0 = 8;
nth1 = 8;
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_mul_mat_q4_1_f32];
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q2_K:
GGML_ASSERT(ne02 == 1);
GGML_ASSERT(ne12 == 1);
const int n_past = ((int32_t *)(src1->data))[0];
nth0 = 4;
nth1 = 16;
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_mul_mat_q2_k_f32];
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q3_K:
GGML_ASSERT(ne02 == 1);
GGML_ASSERT(ne12 == 1);
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_rope];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:1];
[encoder setBytes:&ne00 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:2];
[encoder setBytes:&ne01 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:3];
[encoder setBytes:&ne02 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:4];
[encoder setBytes:&ne03 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:5];
[encoder setBytes:&nb00 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:6];
[encoder setBytes:&nb01 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:7];
[encoder setBytes:&nb02 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:8];
[encoder setBytes:&nb03 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:9];
[encoder setBytes:&ne0 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:10];
[encoder setBytes:&ne1 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:11];
[encoder setBytes:&ne2 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:12];
[encoder setBytes:&ne3 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:13];
[encoder setBytes:&nb0 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:14];
[encoder setBytes:&nb1 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:15];
[encoder setBytes:&nb2 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:16];
[encoder setBytes:&nb3 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:17];
[encoder setBytes:&n_past length:sizeof( int) atIndex:18];
[encoder setBytes:&n_dims length:sizeof( int) atIndex:19];
[encoder setBytes:&mode length:sizeof( int) atIndex:20];
nth0 = 4;
nth1 = 16;
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_mul_mat_q3_k_f32];
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q4_K:
GGML_ASSERT(ne02 == 1);
GGML_ASSERT(ne12 == 1);
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(ne01, ne02, ne03) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1)];
} break;
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
nth0 = 4;
nth1 = 16;
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_mul_mat_q4_k_f32];
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q5_K:
GGML_ASSERT(ne02 == 1);
GGML_ASSERT(ne12 == 1);
const int nth = 32;
nth0 = 4;
nth1 = 16;
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_mul_mat_q5_k_f32];
} break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q6_K:
GGML_ASSERT(ne02 == 1);
GGML_ASSERT(ne12 == 1);
switch (src0t) {
case GGML_TYPE_F32:
switch (dstt) {
case GGML_TYPE_F16: [encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_cpy_f32_f16]; break;
case GGML_TYPE_F32: [encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_cpy_f32_f32]; break;
default: GGML_ASSERT(false && "not implemented");
nth0 = 4;
nth1 = 16;
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_mul_mat_q6_k_f32];
} break;
fprintf(stderr, "Asserting on type %d\n",(int)src0t);
GGML_ASSERT(false && "not implemented");
} break;
default: GGML_ASSERT(false && "not implemented");
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:1];
[encoder setBytes:&ne00 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:2];
[encoder setBytes:&ne01 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:3];
[encoder setBytes:&ne02 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:4];
[encoder setBytes:&ne03 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:5];
[encoder setBytes:&nb00 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:6];
[encoder setBytes:&nb01 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:7];
[encoder setBytes:&nb02 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:8];
[encoder setBytes:&nb03 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:9];
[encoder setBytes:&ne0 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:10];
[encoder setBytes:&ne1 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:11];
[encoder setBytes:&ne2 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:12];
[encoder setBytes:&ne3 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:13];
[encoder setBytes:&nb0 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:14];
[encoder setBytes:&nb1 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:15];
[encoder setBytes:&nb2 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:16];
[encoder setBytes:&nb3 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:17];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src1 offset:offs_src1 atIndex:1];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:2];
[encoder setBytes:&ne00 length:sizeof(ne00) atIndex:3];
[encoder setBytes:&ne01 length:sizeof(ne01) atIndex:4];
[encoder setBytes:&nb00 length:sizeof(nb00) atIndex:5];
[encoder setBytes:&nb01 length:sizeof(nb01) atIndex:6];
[encoder setBytes:&nb02 length:sizeof(nb02) atIndex:7];
[encoder setBytes:&ne10 length:sizeof(ne10) atIndex:8];
[encoder setBytes:&ne11 length:sizeof(ne11) atIndex:9];
[encoder setBytes:&nb10 length:sizeof(nb10) atIndex:10];
[encoder setBytes:&nb11 length:sizeof(nb11) atIndex:11];
[encoder setBytes:&nb12 length:sizeof(nb12) atIndex:12];
[encoder setBytes:&ne0 length:sizeof(ne0) atIndex:13];
[encoder setBytes:&ne1 length:sizeof(ne1) atIndex:14];
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(ne01, ne02, ne03) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(nth, 1, 1)];
} break;
fprintf(stderr, "%s: node %3d, op = %8s not implemented\n", __func__, i, ggml_op_name(dst->op));
if (src0t == GGML_TYPE_Q4_0 || src0t == GGML_TYPE_Q4_1) {
[encoder setThreadgroupMemoryLength:nth0*nth1*sizeof(float) atIndex:0];
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(ne01, ne11, 1) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(nth0, nth1, 1)];
else if (src0t == GGML_TYPE_Q2_K ||
src0t == GGML_TYPE_Q3_K ||
src0t == GGML_TYPE_Q4_K ||
src0t == GGML_TYPE_Q5_K ||
src0t == GGML_TYPE_Q6_K) {
[encoder setThreadgroupMemoryLength:nth0*nth1*sizeof(float) atIndex:0];
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(ne01, 1, 1) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(nth0, nth1, 1)];
} else {
[encoder setThreadgroupMemoryLength:nth0*sizeof(float) atIndex:0];
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(ne01, ne11, ne12) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(nth0, nth1, 1)];
} break;
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
switch (src0->type) {
case GGML_TYPE_F16: [encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_get_rows_f16]; break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q4_0: [encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_get_rows_q4_0]; break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q4_1: [encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_get_rows_q4_1]; break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q2_K: [encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_get_rows_q2_k]; break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q3_K: [encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_get_rows_q3_k]; break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q4_K: [encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_get_rows_q4_k]; break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q5_K: [encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_get_rows_q5_k]; break;
case GGML_TYPE_Q6_K: [encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_get_rows_q6_k]; break;
default: GGML_ASSERT(false && "not implemented");
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src1 offset:offs_src1 atIndex:1];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:2];
[encoder setBytes:&(src0->ne[0]) length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:3];
[encoder setBytes:&(src0->nb[1]) length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:4];
[encoder setBytes:&(dst->nb[1]) length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:5];
const int64_t n = ggml_nelements(src1);
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(n, 1, 1) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1)];
} break;
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
const float eps = 1e-6f;
const int nth = 256;
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_rms_norm];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:1];
[encoder setBytes:&ne00 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:2];
[encoder setBytes:&nb01 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:3];
[encoder setBytes:&eps length:sizeof( float) atIndex:4];
[encoder setThreadgroupMemoryLength:nth*sizeof(float) atIndex:0];
const int64_t nrows = ggml_nrows(src0);
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(nrows, 1, 1) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(nth, 1, 1)];
} break;
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
const int n_dims = ((int32_t *) src1->data)[1];
const int mode = ((int32_t *) src1->data)[2];
const int n_past = ((int32_t *)(src1->data))[0];
[encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_rope];
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:1];
[encoder setBytes:&ne00 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:2];
[encoder setBytes:&ne01 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:3];
[encoder setBytes:&ne02 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:4];
[encoder setBytes:&ne03 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:5];
[encoder setBytes:&nb00 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:6];
[encoder setBytes:&nb01 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:7];
[encoder setBytes:&nb02 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:8];
[encoder setBytes:&nb03 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:9];
[encoder setBytes:&ne0 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:10];
[encoder setBytes:&ne1 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:11];
[encoder setBytes:&ne2 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:12];
[encoder setBytes:&ne3 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:13];
[encoder setBytes:&nb0 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:14];
[encoder setBytes:&nb1 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:15];
[encoder setBytes:&nb2 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:16];
[encoder setBytes:&nb3 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:17];
[encoder setBytes:&n_past length:sizeof( int) atIndex:18];
[encoder setBytes:&n_dims length:sizeof( int) atIndex:19];
[encoder setBytes:&mode length:sizeof( int) atIndex:20];
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(ne01, ne02, ne03) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(1, 1, 1)];
} break;
if (encoder == nil) {
encoder = [command_buffer computeCommandEncoder];
const int nth = 32;
switch (src0t) {
case GGML_TYPE_F32:
switch (dstt) {
case GGML_TYPE_F16: [encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_cpy_f32_f16]; break;
case GGML_TYPE_F32: [encoder setComputePipelineState:ctx->pipeline_cpy_f32_f32]; break;
default: GGML_ASSERT(false && "not implemented");
} break;
default: GGML_ASSERT(false && "not implemented");
[encoder setBuffer:id_src0 offset:offs_src0 atIndex:0];
[encoder setBuffer:id_dst offset:offs_dst atIndex:1];
[encoder setBytes:&ne00 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:2];
[encoder setBytes:&ne01 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:3];
[encoder setBytes:&ne02 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:4];
[encoder setBytes:&ne03 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:5];
[encoder setBytes:&nb00 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:6];
[encoder setBytes:&nb01 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:7];
[encoder setBytes:&nb02 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:8];
[encoder setBytes:&nb03 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:9];
[encoder setBytes:&ne0 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:10];
[encoder setBytes:&ne1 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:11];
[encoder setBytes:&ne2 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:12];
[encoder setBytes:&ne3 length:sizeof( int64_t) atIndex:13];
[encoder setBytes:&nb0 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:14];
[encoder setBytes:&nb1 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:15];
[encoder setBytes:&nb2 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:16];
[encoder setBytes:&nb3 length:sizeof(uint64_t) atIndex:17];
[encoder dispatchThreadgroups:MTLSizeMake(ne01, ne02, ne03) threadsPerThreadgroup:MTLSizeMake(nth, 1, 1)];
} break;
fprintf(stderr, "%s: node %3d, op = %8s not implemented\n", __func__, i, ggml_op_name(dst->op));
if (encoder != nil) {
[encoder endEncoding];
encoder = nil;
[command_buffer commit];
if (encoder != nil) {
[encoder endEncoding];
encoder = nil;
// wait for all threads to finish
dispatch_barrier_sync(queue, ^{});
[command_buffer commit];
[command_buffer waitUntilCompleted];
const double time_elapsed = [command_buffer GPUEndTime] - [command_buffer GPUStartTime];
metal_printf("%s: time elapsed = %f ms\n", __func__, time_elapsed * 1000.0);
[command_buffers[n_cb - 1] waitUntilCompleted];
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