Unicode codepoint flags for custom regexs (#7245)

* Replace CODEPOINT_TYPE_* with codepoint_flags
* Update and bugfix brute force random test
* Deterministic brute force random test
* Unicode normalization NFD
* Get rid of BOM
This commit is contained in:
jaime-m-p 2024-05-18 01:09:13 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 0fc1e820a9
commit b43272afa2
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
7 changed files with 7299 additions and 2409 deletions

View file

@ -12576,16 +12576,16 @@ struct llm_tokenizer_wpm {
// to lowercase, pad chinese characters, pad punctuation
std::string new_str = "";
for (uint32_t code : cpts_nfd) {
int type = unicode_cpt_type(code);
const codepoint_flags flags = unicode_cpt_flags(code);
if (flags.is_accent_mark || flags.is_control) {
code = unicode_tolower(code);
if (flags.is_separator || flags.is_whitespace) { //####FIXME: is_separator ?
code = ' ';
std::string s = unicode_cpt_to_utf8(code);
if (type == CODEPOINT_TYPE_PUNCTUATION || is_ascii_punct(code) || is_chinese_char(code)) {
if (flags.is_punctuation || is_ascii_punct(code) || is_chinese_char(code)) {
new_str += " ";
new_str += s;
new_str += " ";

View file

@ -1,64 +1,134 @@
import regex
import ctypes
import unicodedata
def get_matches(regex_expr):
regex_expr_compiled = regex.compile(regex_expr)
unicode_ranges = []
current_range = None
class CoodepointFlags (ctypes.Structure):
_fields_ = [ # see definition in unicode.h
("is_undefined", ctypes.c_uint16, 1),
("is_number", ctypes.c_uint16, 1), # regex: \p{N}
("is_letter", ctypes.c_uint16, 1), # regex: \p{L}
("is_separator", ctypes.c_uint16, 1), # regex: \p{Z}
("is_accent_mark", ctypes.c_uint16, 1), # regex: \p{M}
("is_punctuation", ctypes.c_uint16, 1), # regex: \p{P}
("is_symbol", ctypes.c_uint16, 1), # regex: \p{S}
("is_control", ctypes.c_uint16, 1), # regex: \p{C}
for codepoint in range(0x110000):
assert (ctypes.sizeof(CoodepointFlags) == 2)
regex_number = regex.compile(r'\p{N}')
regex_letter = regex.compile(r'\p{L}')
regex_separator = regex.compile(r'\p{Z}')
regex_accent_mark = regex.compile(r'\p{M}')
regex_punctuation = regex.compile(r'\p{P}')
regex_symbol = regex.compile(r'\p{S}')
regex_control = regex.compile(r'\p{C}')
regex_whitespace = regex.compile(r'\s')
codepoint_flags = (CoodepointFlags * MAX_CODEPOINTS)()
table_whitespace = []
table_lowercase = []
table_uppercase = []
table_nfd = []
for codepoint in range(MAX_CODEPOINTS):
# convert codepoint to unicode character
char = chr(codepoint)
if regex_expr_compiled.match(char):
if current_range is None:
current_range = [codepoint, codepoint]
current_range[1] = codepoint
elif current_range is not None:
current_range = None
if current_range is not None:
# regex categories
flags = codepoint_flags[codepoint]
flags.is_number = bool(regex_number.match(char))
flags.is_letter = bool(regex_letter.match(char))
flags.is_separator = bool(regex_separator.match(char))
flags.is_accent_mark = bool(regex_accent_mark.match(char))
flags.is_punctuation = bool(regex_punctuation.match(char))
flags.is_symbol = bool(regex_symbol.match(char))
flags.is_control = bool(regex_control.match(char))
flags.is_undefined = bytes(flags)[0] == 0
assert (not flags.is_undefined)
return unicode_ranges
# whitespaces
if bool(regex_whitespace.match(char)):
def print_cat(mode, cat, ranges):
if mode == "range":
print("const std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> unicode_ranges_{} = {{".format(cat)) # noqa: NP100
if mode == "map":
print("const std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> unicode_map_{} = {{".format(cat)) # noqa: NP100
for i, values in enumerate(ranges):
end = ",\n" if (i % 4 == 3 or i + 1 == len(ranges)) else ", "
values = ["0x%08X" % value for value in values]
print("{" + ", ".join(values) + "}", end=end) # noqa: NP100
print("};") # noqa: NP100
print("") # noqa: NP100
print_cat("range", "number", get_matches(r'\p{N}'))
print_cat("range", "letter", get_matches(r'\p{L}'))
print_cat("range", "separator", get_matches(r'\p{Z}'))
print_cat("range", "accent_mark", get_matches(r'\p{M}'))
print_cat("range", "punctuation", get_matches(r'\p{P}'))
print_cat("range", "symbol", get_matches(r'\p{S}'))
print_cat("range", "control", get_matches(r'\p{C}'))
print_cat("range", "whitespace", get_matches(r'\s'))
map_lowercase = []
map_uppercase = []
for codepoint in range(0x110000):
char = chr(codepoint)
# lowercase conversion
lower = ord(char.lower()[0])
upper = ord(char.upper()[0])
if codepoint != lower:
map_lowercase.append((codepoint, lower))
table_lowercase.append((codepoint, lower))
# uppercase conversion
upper = ord(char.upper()[0])
if codepoint != upper:
map_uppercase.append((codepoint, upper))
print_cat("map", "lowercase", map_lowercase)
print_cat("map", "uppercase", map_uppercase)
table_uppercase.append((codepoint, upper))
# NFD normalization
norm = ord(unicodedata.normalize('NFD', char)[0])
if codepoint != norm:
table_nfd.append((codepoint, norm))
# TODO: generate unicode_map_nfd
# group ranges with same flags
ranges_flags = [(0, codepoint_flags[0])] # start, flags
for codepoint, flags in enumerate(codepoint_flags):
if bytes(flags) != bytes(ranges_flags[-1][1]):
ranges_flags.append((codepoint, flags))
ranges_flags.append((MAX_CODEPOINTS, CoodepointFlags()))
# group ranges with same nfd
ranges_nfd = [(0, 0, 0)] # start, last, nfd
for codepoint, norm in table_nfd:
start = ranges_nfd[-1][0]
if ranges_nfd[-1] != (start, codepoint - 1, norm):
start = codepoint
ranges_nfd[-1] = (start, codepoint, norm)
# Generate 'unicode-data.cpp'
def out(line=""):
print(line, end='\n') # noqa
// generated with scripts/gen-unicode-data.py
#include "unicode-data.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
out("const std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, uint16_t>> unicode_ranges_flags = { // start, flags // last=next_start-1")
for codepoint, flags in ranges_flags:
flags = int.from_bytes(bytes(flags), "little")
out("{0x%06X, 0x%04X}," % (codepoint, flags))
out("const std::unordered_set<uint32_t> unicode_set_whitespace = {")
out(", ".join("0x%06X" % cpt for cpt in table_whitespace))
out("const std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> unicode_map_lowercase = {")
for tuple in table_lowercase:
out("{0x%06X, 0x%06X}," % tuple)
out("const std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> unicode_map_uppercase = {")
for tuple in table_uppercase:
out("{0x%06X, 0x%06X}," % tuple)
out("const std::vector<range_nfd> unicode_ranges_nfd = { // start, last, nfd")
for triple in ranges_nfd:
out("{0x%06X, 0x%06X, 0x%06X}," % triple)

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Test libllama tokenizer == AutoTokenizer.
# Brute force random tokens/text generation.
# Brute force random words/text generation.
# Sample usage:
@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ import argparse
import subprocess
import random
from typing import Iterator
from typing import Callable, Iterator
import cffi
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, PreTrainedTokenizerBase
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
logger = logging.getLogger("test-tokenizer-random-bpe")
@ -152,21 +152,28 @@ def generator_custom_text_edge_cases() -> Iterator[str]:
'a b', # unicode_ranges_digit, 0x3007
'Ⅵ-a', # unicode_ranges_digit, {0x00002150, 0x0000218F} // Number Forms
'\uFEFF//', # unicode_ranges_control, 0xFEFF (BOM)
'<s>a' # TODO: Phi-3 fail
'Cửa Việt', # llama-3, ignore_merges = true
'<s>a', # TODO: Phi-3 fail
'a\na', # TODO: Bert fail
def generator_random_chars(iterations = 100) -> Iterator[str]:
def generator_vocab_words(vocab: list[str]) -> Iterator[str]:
"""Brute force check all vocab words"""
yield from vocab
def generator_random_chars(iterations=100) -> Iterator[str]:
"""Brute force random text with simple characters"""
WHITESPACES = list(" " * 20 + "\n" * 5 + "\r\n" * 5 + "\t" * 5)
CHARS = list(set("""
CHARS = list(sorted(set("""
rand = random.Random()
for m in range(iterations):
@ -181,13 +188,13 @@ def generator_random_chars(iterations = 100) -> Iterator[str]:
yield "".join(text)
def generator_random_vocab_chars(tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase, iterations = 100) -> Iterator[str]:
def generator_random_vocab_chars(vocab: list[str], iterations=100) -> Iterator[str]:
"""Brute force random text with vocab characters"""
vocab_ids = list(tokenizer.vocab.values())
vocab_text = tokenizer.decode(vocab_ids, skip_special_tokens=True)
vocab_chars = list(set(vocab_text))
del vocab_ids, vocab_text
vocab_chars = set()
for word in vocab:
vocab_chars = list(sorted(vocab_chars))
rand = random.Random()
for m in range(iterations):
@ -196,19 +203,11 @@ def generator_random_vocab_chars(tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase, iterations
yield "".join(text)
def generator_random_vocab_tokens(tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase, iterations = 100) -> Iterator[str]:
"""Brute force random text from vocab tokens"""
def generator_random_vocab_words(vocab: list[str], iterations=100) -> Iterator[str]:
"""Brute force random text from vocab words"""
space_id = tokenizer.encode(" ", add_special_tokens=False)[0]
vocab_ids = list(tokenizer.vocab.values())
vocab_ids = list(sorted(vocab_ids + vocab_ids))
for i in range(1, len(vocab_ids), 2):
vocab_ids[i] = space_id
vocab_tokens = tokenizer.decode(vocab_ids, skip_special_tokens=True)
vocab_tokens = vocab_tokens.split(" ")
del vocab_ids
yield from vocab_tokens
vocab = [w.strip() for w in vocab]
yield from vocab
rand = random.Random()
for m in range(iterations):
@ -217,14 +216,13 @@ def generator_random_vocab_tokens(tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase, iterations
num_words = rand.randint(300, 400)
for i in range(num_words):
k = rand.randint(1, 3)
tokens = rand.choices(vocab_tokens, k=k)
tokens = [t.strip(" \n\r\t") for t in tokens]
words = rand.choices(vocab, k=k)
sep = rand.choice(" \n\r\t")
text.append("".join(tokens) + sep)
text.append("".join(words) + sep)
yield "".join(text)
def generator_random_bytes(iterations = 100) -> Iterator[str]:
def generator_random_bytes(iterations=100) -> Iterator[str]:
"""Brute force random bytes"""
WHITESPACES = list(" " * 20 + "\n" * 5 + "\r\n" * 5 + "\t" * 5)
@ -242,10 +240,10 @@ def generator_random_bytes(iterations = 100) -> Iterator[str]:
yield "".join(text)
def test_compare_tokenizer(model: LibLlamaModel, tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerBase, generator: Iterator[str]):
def test_compare_tokenizer(func_tokenize1: Callable, func_tokenize2: Callable, generator: Iterator[str]):
def find_first_mismatch(ids1: list[int], ids2: list[int]):
for i, (a,b) in enumerate(zip(ids1, ids2)):
for i, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(ids1, ids2)):
if a != b:
return i
if len(ids1) == len(ids2):
@ -255,15 +253,12 @@ def test_compare_tokenizer(model: LibLlamaModel, tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerB
t0 = time.perf_counter()
logger.info("%s: %s" % (generator.__name__, "ini"))
for text in generator:
ids1 = model.tokenize(text, add_special=False, parse_special=False)
ids2 = tokenizer.encode(text, add_special_tokens=False)
ids1 = func_tokenize1(text)
ids2 = func_tokenize2(text)
if ids1 != ids2:
i = find_first_mismatch(ids1, ids2)
ids1 = list(ids1)[max(0, i - 2) : i + 2 + 1]
ids2 = list(ids2)[max(0, i - 2) : i + 2 + 1]
text2 = tokenizer.decode(ids2, skip_special_tokens=True)
assert (text2 in text)
logger.info(" Text: " + repr(text2))
logger.info(" TokenIDs: " + str(ids1))
logger.info(" Expected: " + str(ids2))
raise Exception()
@ -271,25 +266,37 @@ def test_compare_tokenizer(model: LibLlamaModel, tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizerB
logger.info("%s: end, time: %.3f secs" % (generator.__name__, t1 - t0))
if __name__ == "__main__":
def main(argv: list[str] = None):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("vocab_file", help="path to vocab 'gguf' file")
parser.add_argument("dir_tokenizer", help="directory containing 'tokenizer.model' file")
parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help="increase output verbosity")
args = parser.parse_args()
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG if args.verbose else logging.INFO)
model = LibLlamaModel(LibLlama(), args.vocab_file, mparams=dict(vocab_only=True), cparams=dict(n_ctx=2048))
model = LibLlamaModel(LibLlama(), args.vocab_file, mparams=dict(vocab_only=True), cparams=dict(n_ctx=4096))
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(args.dir_tokenizer)
test_compare_tokenizer(model, tokenizer, generator_custom_text())
test_compare_tokenizer(model, tokenizer, generator_custom_text_edge_cases())
test_compare_tokenizer(model, tokenizer, generator_random_chars(10_000))
test_compare_tokenizer(model, tokenizer, generator_random_vocab_chars(tokenizer, 10_000))
test_compare_tokenizer(model, tokenizer, generator_random_vocab_tokens(tokenizer, 10_000))
# test_compare_tokenizer(model, tokenizer, generator_random_bytes(10_000)) # FAIL
def func_tokenize2(text: str):
return tokenizer.encode(text, add_special_tokens=False)
parse_special = all(len(func_tokenize2(t)) == 1 for t in tokenizer.all_special_tokens)
def func_tokenize1(text: str):
return model.tokenize(text, add_special=False, parse_special=parse_special)
vocab = list(sorted(tokenizer.batch_decode(list(tokenizer.get_vocab().values()), skip_special_tokens=True)))
test_compare_tokenizer(func_tokenize1, func_tokenize2, generator_custom_text())
test_compare_tokenizer(func_tokenize1, func_tokenize2, generator_custom_text_edge_cases())
test_compare_tokenizer(func_tokenize1, func_tokenize2, generator_vocab_words(vocab))
test_compare_tokenizer(func_tokenize1, func_tokenize2, generator_random_chars(10_000))
test_compare_tokenizer(func_tokenize1, func_tokenize2, generator_random_vocab_chars(vocab, 10_000))
test_compare_tokenizer(func_tokenize1, func_tokenize2, generator_random_vocab_words(vocab, 10_000))
# test_compare_tokenizer(func_tokenize1, func_tokenize2, generator_random_bytes(10_000)) # FAIL
if __name__ == "__main__":

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
extern const std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> unicode_ranges_number;
extern const std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> unicode_ranges_letter;
extern const std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> unicode_ranges_separator;
extern const std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> unicode_ranges_whitespace;
extern const std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> unicode_ranges_accent_mark;
extern const std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> unicode_ranges_punctuation;
extern const std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> unicode_ranges_symbol;
extern const std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>> unicode_ranges_control;
extern const std::multimap<uint32_t, uint32_t> unicode_map_nfd;
extern const std::map<char32_t, char32_t> unicode_map_lowercase;
struct range_nfd {
uint32_t first;
uint32_t last;
uint32_t nfd;
static const uint32_t MAX_CODEPOINTS = 0x110000;
extern const std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, uint16_t>> unicode_ranges_flags;
extern const std::unordered_set<uint32_t> unicode_set_whitespace;
extern const std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> unicode_map_lowercase;
extern const std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint32_t> unicode_map_uppercase;
extern const std::vector<range_nfd> unicode_ranges_nfd;

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#include "unicode.h"
#include "unicode.h"
#include "unicode-data.h"
#include <cassert>
@ -109,57 +109,49 @@ static uint32_t unicode_cpt_from_utf8(const std::string & utf8, size_t & offset)
// return result;
static std::unordered_map<uint32_t, int> unicode_cpt_type_map() {
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, int> cpt_types;
for (auto p : unicode_ranges_number) {
for (auto i = p.first; i <= p.second; ++i) {
static std::vector<codepoint_flags> unicode_cpt_flags_array() {
std::vector<codepoint_flags> cpt_flags(MAX_CODEPOINTS, codepoint_flags::UNDEFINED);
assert (unicode_ranges_flags.front().first == 0);
assert (unicode_ranges_flags.back().first == MAX_CODEPOINTS);
for (size_t i = 1; i < unicode_ranges_flags.size(); ++i) {
const auto range_ini = unicode_ranges_flags[i-1]; // codepoint_ini, flags
const auto range_end = unicode_ranges_flags[i]; // codepoint_end, flags
for (uint32_t cpt = range_ini.first; cpt < range_end.first; ++cpt) {
cpt_flags[cpt] = range_ini.second;
for (auto p : unicode_ranges_letter) {
for (auto i = p.first; i <= p.second; ++i) {
for (auto cpt : unicode_set_whitespace) {
cpt_flags[cpt].is_whitespace = true;
for (auto p : unicode_map_lowercase) {
cpt_flags[p.second].is_lowercase = true;
for (auto p : unicode_ranges_separator) {
for (auto i = p.first; i <= p.second; ++i) {
for (auto p : unicode_map_uppercase) {
cpt_flags[p.second].is_uppercase = true;
for (auto &range : unicode_ranges_nfd) { // start, last, nfd
cpt_flags[range.nfd].is_nfd = true;
for (auto p : unicode_ranges_accent_mark) {
for (auto i = p.first; i <= p.second; ++i) {
for (auto p : unicode_ranges_punctuation) {
for (auto i = p.first; i <= p.second; ++i) {
for (auto p : unicode_ranges_symbol) {
for (auto i = p.first; i <= p.second; ++i) {
for (auto p : unicode_ranges_control) {
for (auto i = p.first; i <= p.second; ++i) {
return cpt_types;
return cpt_flags;
static std::unordered_map<uint8_t, std::string> unicode_byte_to_utf8_map() {
std::unordered_map<uint8_t, std::string> map;
for (int ch = u'!'; ch <= u'~'; ++ch) {
for (int ch = 0x21; ch <= 0x7E; ++ch) { // u'!' to u'~'
assert(0 <= ch && ch < 256);
map[ch] = unicode_cpt_to_utf8(ch);
for (int ch = u'¡'; ch <= u'¬'; ++ch) {
for (int ch = 0xA1; ch <= 0xAC; ++ch) { // u'¡' to u'¬'
assert(0 <= ch && ch < 256);
map[ch] = unicode_cpt_to_utf8(ch);
for (int ch = u'®'; ch <= u'ÿ'; ++ch) {
for (int ch = 0xAE; ch <= 0xFF; ++ch) { // u'®' to u'ÿ'
assert(0 <= ch && ch < 256);
map[ch] = unicode_cpt_to_utf8(ch);
@ -175,15 +167,15 @@ static std::unordered_map<uint8_t, std::string> unicode_byte_to_utf8_map() {
static std::unordered_map<std::string, uint8_t> unicode_utf8_to_byte_map() {
std::unordered_map<std::string, uint8_t> map;
for (int ch = u'!'; ch <= u'~'; ++ch) {
for (int ch = 0x21; ch <= 0x7E; ++ch) { // u'!' to u'~'
assert(0 <= ch && ch < 256);
map[unicode_cpt_to_utf8(ch)] = ch;
for (int ch = u'¡'; ch <= u'¬'; ++ch) {
for (int ch = 0xA1; ch <= 0xAC; ++ch) { // u'¡' to u'¬'
assert(0 <= ch && ch < 256);
map[unicode_cpt_to_utf8(ch)] = ch;
for (int ch = u'®'; ch <= u'ÿ'; ++ch) {
for (int ch = 0xAE; ch <= 0xFF; ++ch) { // u'®' to u'ÿ'
assert(0 <= ch && ch < 256);
map[unicode_cpt_to_utf8(ch)] = ch;
@ -238,8 +230,9 @@ static std::vector<size_t> unicode_regex_split_custom_gpt2(const std::string & t
return (offset_ini <= pos && pos < offset_end) ? cpts[pos] : 0;
auto _get_cpt_type = [&] (const size_t pos) -> int {
return (offset_ini <= pos && pos < offset_end) ? unicode_cpt_type(cpts[pos]) : CODEPOINT_TYPE_UNIDENTIFIED;
auto _get_flags = [&] (const size_t pos) -> codepoint_flags {
static const codepoint_flags undef(codepoint_flags::UNDEFINED);
return (offset_ini <= pos && pos < offset_end) ? unicode_cpt_flags(cpts[pos]) : undef;
size_t _prev_end = offset_ini;
@ -261,7 +254,7 @@ static std::vector<size_t> unicode_regex_split_custom_gpt2(const std::string & t
for (size_t pos = offset_ini; pos < offset_end; /*pos++*/ ) {
const char32_t cpt = _get_cpt(pos);
const int cpt_type = _get_cpt_type(pos);
const auto flags = _get_flags(pos);
// regex: 's|'t|'re|'ve|'m|'ll|'d
if (cpt == '\'' && pos+1 < offset_end) {
@ -281,39 +274,37 @@ static std::vector<size_t> unicode_regex_split_custom_gpt2(const std::string & t
char32_t cpt2 = (cpt == ' ' ? _get_cpt(pos+1) : cpt);
int cpt2_type = (cpt == ' ' ? _get_cpt_type(pos+1) : cpt_type);
auto flags2 = (cpt == ' ' ? _get_flags(pos+1) : flags);
// regex: <space>?\p{L}+
if (cpt2_type == CODEPOINT_TYPE_LETTER) {
if (flags2.is_letter) {
pos += (cpt == ' ');
while (cpt2_type == CODEPOINT_TYPE_LETTER) {
cpt2_type = _get_cpt_type(++pos);
while (flags2.is_letter) {
flags2 = _get_flags(++pos);
// regex: <space>?\p{N}+
if (cpt2_type == CODEPOINT_TYPE_NUMBER) {
if (flags2.is_number) {
pos += (cpt == ' ');
while (cpt2_type == CODEPOINT_TYPE_NUMBER) {
cpt2_type = _get_cpt_type(++pos);
while (flags2.is_number) {
flags2 = _get_flags(++pos);
// regex: <space>?[^\s\p{L}\p{N}]+
if (!unicode_cpt_is_whitespace(cpt2) && cpt2_type != CODEPOINT_TYPE_LETTER && cpt2_type != CODEPOINT_TYPE_NUMBER && cpt2_type != CODEPOINT_TYPE_UNIDENTIFIED) {
if (!(flags2.is_whitespace || flags2.is_letter || flags2.is_number || flags2.is_undefined)) {
pos += (cpt == ' ');
while (!unicode_cpt_is_whitespace(cpt2) && cpt2_type != CODEPOINT_TYPE_LETTER && cpt2_type != CODEPOINT_TYPE_NUMBER && cpt2_type != CODEPOINT_TYPE_UNIDENTIFIED) {
cpt2_type = _get_cpt_type(++pos);
cpt2 = _get_cpt(pos);
while (!(flags2.is_whitespace || flags2.is_letter || flags2.is_number || flags2.is_undefined)) {
flags2 = _get_flags(++pos);
size_t num_whitespaces = 0;
while (unicode_cpt_is_whitespace(_get_cpt(pos+num_whitespaces))) {
while (_get_flags(pos+num_whitespaces).is_whitespace) {
@ -357,8 +348,9 @@ static std::vector<size_t> unicode_regex_split_custom_llama3(const std::string &
return (offset_ini <= pos && pos < offset_end) ? cpts[pos] : 0;
auto _get_cpt_type = [&] (const size_t pos) -> int {
return (offset_ini <= pos && pos < offset_end) ? unicode_cpt_type(cpts[pos]) : CODEPOINT_TYPE_UNIDENTIFIED;
auto _get_flags = [&] (const size_t pos) -> codepoint_flags {
static const codepoint_flags undef(codepoint_flags::UNDEFINED);
return (offset_ini <= pos && pos < offset_end) ? unicode_cpt_flags(cpts[pos]) : undef;
size_t _prev_end = offset_ini;
@ -380,7 +372,7 @@ static std::vector<size_t> unicode_regex_split_custom_llama3(const std::string &
for (size_t pos = offset_ini; pos < offset_end; /*pos++*/ ) {
const char32_t cpt = _get_cpt(pos);
const int cpt_type = _get_cpt_type(pos);
const auto flags = _get_flags(pos);
// regex: (?i:'s|'t|'re|'ve|'m|'ll|'d) // case insensitive
if (cpt == '\'' && pos+1 < offset_end) {
@ -401,10 +393,10 @@ static std::vector<size_t> unicode_regex_split_custom_llama3(const std::string &
// regex: [^\r\n\p{L}\p{N}]?\p{L}+ //####FIXME: the first \p{L} is correct?
if (cpt != '\r' && cpt != '\n' && /*cpt_type != CODEPOINT_TYPE_LETTER &&*/ cpt_type != CODEPOINT_TYPE_NUMBER) {
if (cpt_type == CODEPOINT_TYPE_LETTER || _get_cpt_type(pos+1) == CODEPOINT_TYPE_LETTER) { // one or more letters
if (!(cpt == '\r' || cpt == '\n' || /*flags.is_letter |*/ flags.is_number)) {
if (flags.is_letter || _get_flags(pos+1).is_letter) { // one or more letters
while (_get_cpt_type(pos) == CODEPOINT_TYPE_LETTER) {
while (_get_flags(pos).is_letter) {
@ -413,9 +405,9 @@ static std::vector<size_t> unicode_regex_split_custom_llama3(const std::string &
// regex: \p{N}{1,3}
if (cpt_type == CODEPOINT_TYPE_NUMBER) {
if (flags.is_number) {
size_t ini = pos;
while (_get_cpt_type(pos) == CODEPOINT_TYPE_NUMBER) {
while (_get_flags(pos).is_number) {
if (++pos - ini >= 3 ) {
ini = pos;
@ -426,14 +418,13 @@ static std::vector<size_t> unicode_regex_split_custom_llama3(const std::string &
// regex: <space>?[^\s\p{L}\p{N}]+[\r\n]*
char32_t cpt2 = (cpt == ' ' ? _get_cpt(pos+1) : cpt);
int cpt2_type = (cpt == ' ' ? _get_cpt_type(pos+1) : cpt_type);
if (!unicode_cpt_is_whitespace(cpt2) && cpt2_type != CODEPOINT_TYPE_LETTER && cpt2_type != CODEPOINT_TYPE_NUMBER && cpt2_type != CODEPOINT_TYPE_UNIDENTIFIED) {
auto flags2 = (cpt == ' ' ? _get_flags(pos+1) : flags);
if (!(flags2.is_whitespace || flags2.is_letter || flags2.is_number || flags2.is_undefined)) {
pos += (cpt == ' ');
while (!unicode_cpt_is_whitespace(cpt2) && cpt2_type != CODEPOINT_TYPE_LETTER && cpt2_type != CODEPOINT_TYPE_NUMBER && cpt2_type != CODEPOINT_TYPE_UNIDENTIFIED) {
cpt2_type = _get_cpt_type(++pos);
cpt2 = _get_cpt(pos);
while (!(flags2.is_whitespace || flags2.is_letter || flags2.is_number || flags2.is_undefined)) {
flags2 = _get_flags(++pos);
char32_t cpt2 = _get_cpt(pos);
while (cpt2 == '\r' || cpt2 == '\n') {
cpt2 = _get_cpt(++pos);
@ -443,7 +434,7 @@ static std::vector<size_t> unicode_regex_split_custom_llama3(const std::string &
size_t num_whitespaces = 0;
size_t last_end_r_or_n = 0;
while (unicode_cpt_is_whitespace(_get_cpt(pos+num_whitespaces))) {
while (_get_flags(pos+num_whitespaces).is_whitespace) {
char32_t cpt2 = _get_cpt(pos+num_whitespaces);
if (cpt2 == '\r' || cpt2 == '\n') {
last_end_r_or_n = pos + num_whitespaces + 1;
@ -589,15 +580,14 @@ std::string unicode_cpt_to_utf8(uint32_t cp) {
std::vector<uint32_t> unicode_cpts_normalize_nfd(const std::vector<uint32_t> & cpts) {
std::vector<uint32_t> result;
auto comp = [] (const uint32_t cpt, const range_nfd & range) {
return cpt < range.first;
std::vector<uint32_t> result(cpts.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < cpts.size(); ++i) {
auto it = unicode_map_nfd.find(cpts[i]);
if (it == unicode_map_nfd.end()) {
} else {
const uint32_t cpt = cpts[i];
auto it = std::upper_bound(unicode_ranges_nfd.cbegin(), unicode_ranges_nfd.cend(), cpt, comp) - 1;
result[i] = (it->first <= cpt && cpt <= it->last) ? it->nfd : cpt;
return result;
@ -611,31 +601,19 @@ std::vector<uint32_t> unicode_cpts_from_utf8(const std::string & utf8) {
return result;
int unicode_cpt_type(uint32_t cp) {
static std::unordered_map<uint32_t, int> cpt_types = unicode_cpt_type_map();
const auto it = cpt_types.find(cp);
return it == cpt_types.end() ? CODEPOINT_TYPE_UNIDENTIFIED : it->second;
codepoint_flags unicode_cpt_flags(const uint32_t cp) {
static const codepoint_flags undef(codepoint_flags::UNDEFINED);
static const auto cpt_flags = unicode_cpt_flags_array();
return cp < cpt_flags.size() ? cpt_flags[cp] : undef;
int unicode_cpt_type(const std::string & utf8) {
if (utf8.length() == 0) {
codepoint_flags unicode_cpt_flags(const std::string & utf8) {
static const codepoint_flags undef(codepoint_flags::UNDEFINED);
if (utf8.empty()) {
return undef; // undefined
size_t offset = 0;
return unicode_cpt_type(unicode_cpt_from_utf8(utf8, offset));
bool unicode_cpt_is_whitespace(uint32_t cp) {
static const std::unordered_set<uint32_t> is_whitespace = [] {
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> is_whitespace;
for (auto p : unicode_ranges_whitespace) {
for (auto i = p.first; i <= p.second; ++i) {
return is_whitespace;
return (bool)is_whitespace.count(cp);
return unicode_cpt_flags(unicode_cpt_from_utf8(utf8, offset));
std::string unicode_byte_to_utf8(uint8_t byte) {
@ -656,21 +634,21 @@ char32_t unicode_tolower(char32_t cp) {
std::vector<std::string> unicode_regex_split(const std::string & text, const std::vector<std::string> & regex_exprs) {
// unicode categories
static const std::map<std::string, int> k_ucat_enum = {
{ "\\p{N}", codepoint_flags::NUMBER },
{ "\\p{L}", codepoint_flags::LETTER },
{ "\\p{P}", codepoint_flags::PUNCTUATION },
static const std::map<int, int> k_ucat_cpt = {
{ codepoint_flags::NUMBER, 0xD1 },
{ codepoint_flags::LETTER, 0xD2 },
{ codepoint_flags::PUNCTUATION, 0xD3 },
static const std::map<int, std::string> k_ucat_map = {
{ CODEPOINT_TYPE_NUMBER, "\x30-\x39" }, // 0-9
{ CODEPOINT_TYPE_LETTER, "\x41-\x5A\x61-\x7A" }, // A-Za-z
{ CODEPOINT_TYPE_PUNCTUATION, "\x21-\x23\x25-\x2A\x2C-\x2F\x3A-\x3B\x3F-\x40\\\x5B-\\\x5D\x5F\\\x7B\\\x7D" }, // !-#%-*,-/:-;?-@\[-\]_\{\}
{ codepoint_flags::NUMBER, "\x30-\x39" }, // 0-9
{ codepoint_flags::LETTER, "\x41-\x5A\x61-\x7A" }, // A-Za-z
{ codepoint_flags::PUNCTUATION, "\x21-\x23\x25-\x2A\x2C-\x2F\x3A-\x3B\x3F-\x40\\\x5B-\\\x5D\x5F\\\x7B\\\x7D" }, // !-#%-*,-/:-;?-@\[-\]_\{\}
// compute collapsed codepoints only if needed by at least one regex
@ -701,10 +679,10 @@ std::vector<std::string> unicode_regex_split(const std::string & text, const std
const int cpt_type = unicode_cpt_type(cpts[i]);
const int cpt_flag = unicode_cpt_flags(cpts[i]).category_flag();
if (k_ucat_cpt.find(cpt_type) != k_ucat_cpt.end()) {
text_collapsed[i] = k_ucat_cpt.at(cpt_type);
if (k_ucat_cpt.find(cpt_flag) != k_ucat_cpt.end()) {
text_collapsed[i] = k_ucat_cpt.at(cpt_flag);
} else {
text_collapsed[i] = (char) 0xD0; // fallback

View file

@ -4,24 +4,56 @@
#include <string>
#include <vector>
struct codepoint_flags {
enum {
UNDEFINED = 0x0001,
NUMBER = 0x0002, // regex: \p{N}
LETTER = 0x0004, // regex: \p{L}
SEPARATOR = 0x0008, // regex: \p{Z}
ACCENT_MARK = 0x0010, // regex: \p{M}
PUNCTUATION = 0x0020, // regex: \p{P}
SYMBOL = 0x0040, // regex: \p{S}
CONTROL = 0x0080, // regex: \p{C}
// codepoint type
uint16_t is_undefined : 1;
uint16_t is_number : 1; // regex: \p{N}
uint16_t is_letter : 1; // regex: \p{L}
uint16_t is_separator : 1; // regex: \p{Z}
uint16_t is_accent_mark : 1; // regex: \p{M}
uint16_t is_punctuation : 1; // regex: \p{P}
uint16_t is_symbol : 1; // regex: \p{S}
uint16_t is_control : 1; // regex: \p{C}
// helper flags
uint16_t is_whitespace : 1; // regex: \s
uint16_t is_lowercase : 1;
uint16_t is_uppercase : 1;
uint16_t is_nfd : 1;
// decode from uint16
inline codepoint_flags(const uint16_t flags=0) {
*reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(this) = flags;
inline uint16_t as_uint() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(this);
inline uint16_t category_flag() const {
return this->as_uint() & MASK_CATEGORIES;
std::string unicode_cpt_to_utf8(uint32_t cp);
std::vector<uint32_t> unicode_cpts_from_utf8(const std::string & utf8);
std::vector<uint32_t> unicode_cpts_normalize_nfd(const std::vector<uint32_t> & cpts);
int unicode_cpt_type(uint32_t cp);
int unicode_cpt_type(const std::string & utf8);
bool unicode_cpt_is_whitespace(uint32_t cp);
codepoint_flags unicode_cpt_flags(const uint32_t cp);
codepoint_flags unicode_cpt_flags(const std::string & utf8);
std::string unicode_byte_to_utf8(uint8_t byte);
uint8_t unicode_utf8_to_byte(const std::string & utf8);