feat: Refine magit gptcommit prompt

This commit is contained in:
Tristan D. 2024-10-11 02:03:41 +02:00
parent 993bf9fa3e
commit c40bc23359
Signed by: tristan
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:3RU4RLOoM8oAjFU19f1W6t8uouZbA7GWkaSW6rjp1k8

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@ -369,9 +369,61 @@
("C-c C-g" . magit-gptcommit-commit-accept))
(require 'llm-openai)
;; Helper function for writing a prompt for Magit GPTCommit
(defun join-with-newlines (list)
(mapconcat 'identity list "\n"))
(llm-warn-on-nonfree nil)
(magit-gptcommit-llm-provider (make-llm-openai-compatible :key "OPENAI-KEY" :url ""))
;; TODO Test different prompts
"You are an expert programmer writing a commit message"
"You went over every file diff that was changed in it."
"First Determine the best label for the diffs."
"Here are the labels you can choose from:"
"- build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example scopes: gulp, broccoli, npm)"
"- chore: Updating libraries, copyrights or other repo setting, includes updating dependencies."
"- ci: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts (example scopes: Travis, Circle, GitHub Actions)"
"- docs: Non-code changes, such as fixing typos or adding new documentation"
"- feat: a commit of the type feat introduces a new feature to the codebase"
"- fix: A commit of the type fix patches a bug in your codebase"
"- perf: A code change that improves performance"
"- refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature"
"- style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)"
"- test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests"
"Then summarize the commit into a single specific and cohesive theme."
"Remember to write a one line summary, no more than 50 characters."
"If it is a simple change no need for additional lines."
"If there are multiple unrelated or complicated changes summarize them into bullet points"
"Remember to write an empty line between the summary and bullet points."
"Write your response using the imperative tense following the kernel git commit style guide."
"Write a high level title."
"# Example 1:"
"refactor: Rework transaction merging logic"
"- use functional style instead of nested for loops"
"- cache intermediate results"
"- use refs instead of cloning everywhere"
"# Example 2:"
"fix: Fix off-by-one integer in loop"
"# Example 3:"
"style: Add missing semicolon"
"Now write Commit message in follow template: [label]:[one line of summary] :"
;; :init
;; (setq magit-gptcommit-llm-provider (make-llm-openai-compatible :key "OPENAI-KEY" :url ""))