let cryptOpenArgs = [ "--allow-discards" "--perf-same_cpu_crypt" "--perf-submit_from_crypt_cpus" "--perf-no_read_workqueue" "--perf-no_write_workqueue" ]; in { disko.devices = { disk = { cryptboot_1 = { type = "disk"; device = "/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-CT1000P1SSD8_2003E28202D0"; content = { type = "gpt"; partitions = { luks = { # size = "831.5G"; end = "-100G"; # label = "Linux LUKS"; type = "8309"; content = { type = "luks"; name = "cryptboot_1"; extraOpenArgs = cryptOpenArgs; passwordFile = "/tmp/secret.key"; additionalKeyFiles = [ ]; # content is empty here as the btrfs partition will be created via extraArgs of the cryptroot_1 partition def }; }; luksSwap = { size = "32G"; content = { type = "luks"; name = "cryptswap_1"; extraOpenArgs = cryptOpenArgs; passwordFile = "/tmp/secret.key"; additionalKeyFiles = [ ]; content = { type = "swap"; }; }; }; }; }; }; cryptboot_0 = { type = "disk"; device = "/dev/disk/by-id/nvme-Samsung_SSD_970_EVO_Plus_1TB_S4EWNX0NB42209Z"; content = { type = "gpt"; partitions = { luks = { # size = "831.5G"; end = "-100G"; # label = "Linux LUKS"; type = "8309"; content = { type = "luks"; name = "cryptboot_0"; extraOpenArgs = cryptOpenArgs; passwordFile = "/tmp/secret.key"; additionalKeyFiles = [ ]; content = { # this partiton needs to be in the last parent part alphabetically to ensure the referenced dev already exists type = "btrfs"; extraArgs = [ "-L cryptboot_btrfs" "-f" "-m raid1" "-d raid1" "/dev/mapper/cryptboot_0" ]; subvolumes = { "/" = { mountpoint = "/media/@btrfsroot"; mountOptions = [ "rw" "autodefrag" "compress=zstd" "discard=async" "relatime" "space_cache=v2" "ssd" ]; }; "/_active" = { }; "/_active/rootvol" = { }; "/_active/pkgvol" = { }; "/_active/nix_rootvol" = { mountpoint = "/"; mountOptions = [ "rw" "autodefrag" "compress=zstd" "discard=async" "relatime" "space_cache=v2" "ssd" ]; }; "/_active/homevol" = { mountpoint = "/home"; mountOptions = [ "rw" "autodefrag" "compress=zstd" "discard=async" "relatime" "space_cache=v2" "ssd" ]; }; "/_active/nixvol" = { mountpoint = "/nix"; mountOptions = [ "rw" "autodefrag" "compress=zstd" "discard=async" "relatime" "space_cache=v2" "ssd" ]; }; }; }; }; }; ESP = { label = "EFI_0"; name = "ESP"; size = "1024M"; type = "EF00"; content = { type = "filesystem"; format = "vfat"; mountpoint = "/boot"; mountOptions = [ "rw" "relatime" "fmask=0022" "dmask=0022" "codepage=437" "iocharset=ascii" "shortname=mixed" "utf8" "errors=remount-ro" ]; }; }; }; }; }; sandisk = { type = "disk"; device = "/dev/disk/by-id/ata-SanDisk_SDSSDH3_4T00_211011800267"; content = { type = "gpt"; partitions = { luks = { # ~size = "3.4T"; end = "-250G"; label = "SanDisk"; type = "8300"; content = { type = "btrfs"; extraArgs = [ ]; subvolumes = { "/" = { mountpoint = "/media/SanDisk"; mountOptions = [ "rw" "autodefrag" "compress=zstd" "discard=async" "relatime" "space_cache=v2" "ssd" ]; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }