# ToDo's - find a good abstraction for systems that allows setting nixpkgs.localSystem per systems - e.g. build utility function with a module based interface to set things like march and hostname - should yield a `nixosConfiguration.${hostname} = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {...}` - set localSystem per system like this: ```nix # to allow building nix.extraOptions = '' system-features = system-features = gccarch-znver2 ''; # to actually build (after rebuilding with the feature before) localSystem = { inherit system; gcc = { arch = "znver2"; tune = "znver2"; }; }; pkgs-args = { inherit localSystem; inherit overlays; config = { # .... }; }; pkgs = import nixpkgs pkgs-args; nixpkgs.pkgs = pkgs; ``` - switch from security.sudo.* to security.sudo-rs.*