{ config , pkgs , inputs , ... }: { programs.mpv = { enable = true; package = pkgs.mpv; }; programs.thunderbird = { enable = true; package = pkgs.thunderbird-128; profiles."main" = { isDefault = true; }; }; programs.nheko = { # enable = true; # insecure due to downstream olm }; programs.obs-studio = { enable = true; plugins = with pkgs.obs-studio-plugins; [ wlrobs obs-backgroundremoval obs-pipewire-audio-capture obs-vaapi obs-gstreamer ]; }; xdg.desktopEntries.steam-2 = { name = "Steam (2.0 Scaling)"; type = "Application"; icon = "steam"; comment = "steam with forced 2x scaling for highdpi displays"; exec = "steam -forcedesktopscaling 2"; terminal = false; prefersNonDefaultGPU = true; categories = [ "Network" "FileTransfer" "Game" ]; }; home = { file."Pictures/default_background.png".source = config.stylix.image; packages = with pkgs; [ bitwarden airshipper ardour # blender brave cavalier ffmpeg freetube filelight element-desktop inkscape jellyfin-mpv-shim warp-terminal libsForQt5.kasts # miraclecast krita kdePackages.kate kdePackages.kdenlive kdePackages.kleopatra kdePackages.plasma-vault kdePackages.plasma-browser-integration kdePackages.kio-admin nextcloud-client onlyoffice-bin protonup-qt # rustdesk signal-desktop webcord-vencord tome4 shattered-pixel-dungeon gst_all_1.gst-vaapi waypipe veracrypt deadbeef-with-plugins lutris heroic # qbittorrent unar fuse # TODO Why needed ? pcsx2 flightgear kdePackages.konversation ]; }; }