Add support for hermetic remote builds #20
3 changed files with 62 additions and 11 deletions
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ Below is a minimal example:
host = "";
sshUser = "matthew";
buildOn = "remote"; # valid args are "local" or "remote"
hermetic = false;
# ... other configuration ...
@ -76,3 +77,30 @@ reloading user units for matthew...
setting up tmpfiles
Connection to closed.
# Available arguments via `_module.args.nixinate`
- `host` *`string`*
A string representing the hostname or IP address of a machine to connect to
via ssh.
- `sshUser` *`string`*
A string representing the username a machine to connect to via ssh.
- `buildOn` *`"remote"`* or *`"local"`*
- `"remote"`
Push the flake to the remote, build and activate entirely remotely,
returning logs via SSH.
- `"local"`
Build the system closure locally, copy to the remote and activate.
- `hermetic` *`bool`*
Whether to copy Nix to the remote for usage when building and activating,
instead of using the Nix which is already installed on the remote.
@ -16,32 +16,49 @@
herculesCI.ciSystems = [ "x86_64-linux" ];
overlay = final: prev: {
nixinate = {
nix = prev.pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "nix"
''${final.nixVersions.unstable}/bin/nix --experimental-features "nix-command flakes" "$@"'';
![]() Evaluation time is getting better with Nix releases, so I'd rather use unstable, since 2.4 is pretty slow. Also, there are some determinism issues with lockfile generation that I'd prefer to avoid, by using the latest. Evaluation time is getting better with Nix releases, so I'd rather use unstable, since 2.4 is pretty slow. Also, there are some determinism issues with lockfile generation that I'd prefer to avoid, by using the latest.
nixos-rebuild = prev.nixos-rebuild.override { inherit (final) nix; };
generateApps = flake:
machines = builtins.attrNames flake.nixosConfigurations;
validMachines = final.lib.remove "" (final.lib.forEach machines (x: final.lib.optionalString (flake.nixosConfigurations."${x}"._module.args ? nixinate) "${x}" ));
mkDeployScript = { machine, dryRun }: let
inherit (builtins) abort;
inherit (final.lib) getExe;
nix = "${getExe final.nix}";
nixos-rebuild = "${getExe final.nixos-rebuild}";
openssh = "${getExe final.openssh}";
n = flake.nixosConfigurations.${machine}._module.args.nixinate;
hermetic = n.hermetic or false;
user = n.sshUser or "root";
host =;
where = n.buildOn or "remote";
remote = if where == "remote" then true else if where == "local" then false else abort "_module.args.nixinate.buildOn is not set to a valid value of 'local' or 'remote'";
switch = if dryRun then "dry-activate" else "switch";
script = ''
script =
set -e
echo "🚀 Deploying nixosConfigurations.${machine} from ${flake}"
echo "👤 SSH User: ${user}"
echo "🌐 SSH Host: ${host}"
'' + (if remote then ''
echo "🚀 Sending flake to ${machine} via nix copy:"
( set -x; ${final.nix}/bin/nix copy ${flake} --to ssh://${user}@${host} )
echo "🤞 Activating configuration on ${machine} via ssh:"
( set -x; ${final.openssh}/bin/ssh -t ${user}@${host} 'sudo nixos-rebuild ${switch} --flake ${flake}#${machine}' )
( set -x; ${nix} copy ${flake} --to ssh://${user}@${host} )
'' + (if hermetic then ''
echo "🤞 Activating configuration hermetically on ${machine} via ssh:"
( set -x; ${nix} build ${nixos-rebuild} --no-link --store ssh://${user}@${host} )
( set -x; ${openssh} -t ${user}@${host} 'sudo ${nixos-rebuild} ${switch} --flake ${flake}#${machine}' )
'' else ''
echo "🤞 Activating configuration non-hermetically on ${machine} via ssh:"
( set -x; ${openssh} -t ${user}@${host} 'sudo nixos-rebuild ${switch} --flake ${flake}#${machine}' )
else ''
echo "🔨 Building system closure locally, copying it to remote store and activating it:"
( set -x; NIX_SSHOPTS="-t" ${final.nixos-rebuild}/bin/nixos-rebuild ${switch} --flake ${flake}#${machine} --target-host ${user}@${host} --use-remote-sudo )
( set -x; NIX_SSHOPTS="-t" ${nixos-rebuild} ${switch} --flake ${flake}#${machine} --target-host ${user}@${host} --use-remote-sudo )
in final.writeScript "deploy-${machine}.sh" script;
@ -78,7 +95,7 @@
vmTests = import ./tests {
makeTest = (import (nixpkgs + "/nixos/lib/testing-python.nix") { inherit system; }).makeTest;
inherit pkgs inputs;
inherit inputs; pkgs = nixpkgsFor.${system};
pkgs.lib.optionalAttrs pkgs.stdenv.isLinux vmTests # vmTests can only be ran on Linux, so append them only if on Linux.
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{ pkgs, makeTest, inputs }:
inherit (pkgs) lib;
# Return a store path with a closure containing everything including
# derivations and all build dependency outputs, all the way down.
allDrvOutputs = pkg:
@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ let
((import (path + "/flake.nix")).outputs (inputs // {self = r;}));
mkNixinateTest = buildOn:
mkNixinateTest = { buildOn, hermetic ? false, ... }:
exampleFlake = pkgs.writeTextFile {
name = "nixinate-example-flake";
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ let
host = "nixinatee";
sshUser = "nixinator";
buildOn = "${buildOn}"; # valid args are "local" or "remote"
hermetic = ${lib.boolToString hermetic}; # valid args are true or false
@ -66,7 +68,9 @@ let
virtualisation = {
writableStore = true;
additionalPaths = [] ++ pkgs.lib.optional (buildOn == "remote") (allDrvOutputs exampleSystem);
additionalPaths = []
++ lib.optional (buildOn == "remote") (allDrvOutputs exampleSystem)
++ lib.optional (hermetic == true) (pkgs.nixinate.nixos-rebuild);
nixinator = { ... }: {
@ -77,7 +81,7 @@ let
additionalPaths = [
(allDrvOutputs exampleSystem)
++ pkgs.lib.optional (buildOn == "remote") exampleFlake;
++ lib.optional (buildOn == "remote") exampleFlake;
@ -103,6 +107,8 @@ let
local = (mkNixinateTest "local");
remote = (mkNixinateTest "remote");
local = (mkNixinateTest { buildOn = "local"; });
remote = (mkNixinateTest { buildOn = "remote"; });
localHermetic = (mkNixinateTest { buildOn = "local"; hermetic = true; });
remoteHermetic = (mkNixinateTest { buildOn = "remote"; hermetic = true; });
Add table
Reference in a new issue
You should avoid using Unstable here. Since 2.4 flakes are supported.