# Nixinate 🕶️ Nixinate is a proof of concept that generates a deployment script for each `nixosConfiguration` you already have in your flake, which can be ran via `nix run`, thanks to the `apps` attribute of the [flake schema](https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Flakes#Flake_schema). ## Usage To add and configure `nixinate` in your own flake, you need to: 1. Add the result of `nixinate self` to the `apps` attribute of your flake. 2. Add and configure `_module.args.nixinate` to the `nixosConfigurations` you want to deploy Below is a minimal example: ```nix { inputs = { nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-21.11"; nixinate.url = "github:matthewcroughan/nixinate"; }; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, nixinate }: { apps = nixinate.nixinate.x86_64-linux self; nixosConfigurations = { myMachine = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem { modules = [ (import ./my-configuration.nix) { _module.args.nixinate = { host = "itchy.scratchy.com"; sshUser = "matthew"; buildOn = "remote"; # valid args are "local" or "remote" }; } # ... other configuration ... ]; }; }; }; } ``` Each `nixosConfiguration` you have configured should have a deployment script in `apps.nixinate`, visible in `nix flake show` like this: ``` $ nix flake show git+file:///etc/nixos ├───apps │ └───nixinate │ └───myMachine: app └───nixosConfigurations └───myMachine: NixOS configuration ``` To finally execute the deployment script, use `nix run .#apps.nixinate.myMachine` #### Example Run ``` [root@myMachine:/etc/nixos]# nix run .#apps.nixinate.myMachine 🚀 Deploying nixosConfigurations.myMachine from /nix/store/279p8aaclmng8kc3mdmrmi6q3n76r1i7-source 👤 SSH User: matthew 🌐 SSH Host: itchy.scratchy.com 🚀 Sending flake to myMachine via nix copy: (matthew@itchy.scratchy.com) Password: 🤞 Activating configuration on myMachine via ssh: (matthew@itchy.scratchy.com) Password: [sudo] password for matthew: building the system configuration... activating the configuration... setting up /etc... reloading user units for matthew... setting up tmpfiles Connection to itchy.scratchy.com closed. ```