2022-02-23 14:24:25 -08:00

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description = "Nixinate your systems 🕶";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
examples.url = "path:./examples";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, examples, ... }:
version = builtins.substring 0 8 self.lastModifiedDate;
supportedSystems = [ "x86_64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" "aarch64-linux" "aarch64-darwin" ];
forAllSystems = nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs supportedSystems;
nixpkgsFor = forAllSystems (system: import nixpkgs { inherit system; overlays = [ self.overlay ]; });
in rec
overlay = final: prev: {
generateApps = flake:
machines = builtins.attrNames flake.nixosConfigurations;
validMachines = final.lib.remove "" (final.lib.forEach machines (x: final.lib.optionalString (flake.nixosConfigurations."${x}"._module.args ? nixinate) "${x}" ));
mkDeployScript = { machine, dryRun }: let
inherit (builtins) abort;
n = flake.nixosConfigurations.${machine}._module.args.nixinate;
user = n.sshUser or "root";
host =;
where = n.buildOn or "remote";
remote = if where == "remote" then true else if where == "local" then false else abort "_module.args.nixinate.buildOn is not set to a valid value of 'local' or 'remote'";
switch = if dryRun then "dry-activate" else "switch";
rollbackScript = let
inherit (builtins) toString;
inherit (final.lib.strings) optionalString;
r = n.rollback or {};
enabled = r.enabled or true;
init = r.init or 500;
limit = r.limit or 8;
timeout = r.timeout or 10;
in optionalString enabled ''
rollbackAccumulator=${toString limit}
until ${final.openssh}/bin/ssh -o ConnectTimeout=${toString timeout} -t ${user}@${host} 'sudo rm /tmp/.nixinate-deploy-success'; do
rollbackWait=$((${toString init} * (2 ** exponent++)))
echo "Could not access ${machine}, trying again in $rollbackWait milliseconds." &>2
sleep $((rollbackWait / 1000))
if [[ $((--rollbackAccumulator)) == 0 ]]; # --rollbackAccumulator may appear as a flag, however it's inside of $(()), so it decrements the value and yields it.
echo "Cannot access ${machine}. Rollback will happen." &>2
exit 1
script = ''
set -e
echo "🚀 Deploying nixosConfigurations.${machine} from ${flake}"
echo "👤 SSH User: ${user}"
echo "🌐 SSH Host: ${host}"
'' + (if remote then ''
echo "🚀 Sending flake to ${machine} via rsync:"
( set -x; ${final.rsync}/bin/rsync -q -vz --recursive --zc=zstd ${flake}/* ${user}@${host}:/tmp/nixcfg/ )
echo "🤞 Activating configuration on ${machine} via ssh:"
( set -x; ${final.openssh}/bin/ssh -t ${user}@${host} 'sudo nixos-rebuild ${switch} --flake /tmp/nixcfg#${machine}' )
'' else ''
echo "🔨 Building system closure locally, copying it to remote store and activating it:"
( set -x; NIX_SSHOPTS="-t" ${final.nixos-rebuild}/bin/nixos-rebuild ${switch} --flake ${flake}#${machine} --target-host ${user}@${host} --use-remote-sudo )
'') + rollbackScript + ''
echo "${machine} has finished deploying."
in final.writeScript "deploy-${machine}.sh" script;
nixinate =
type = "app";
program = toString (mkDeployScript {
machine = x;
dryRun = false;
// nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs
(map (a: a + "-dry-run") validMachines)
type = "app";
program = toString (mkDeployScript {
machine = x;
dryRun = true;
nixinate = forAllSystems (system: nixpkgsFor.${system}.generateApps);
apps = nixinate.x86_64-linux examples;