343 lines
15 KiB
Org Mode
343 lines
15 KiB
Org Mode
#+title: GPTel: A simple LLM client for Emacs
GPTel is a simple Large Language Model chat client for Emacs, with support for multiple models/backends.
| LLM Backend | Supports | Requires |
| ChatGPT | ✓ | [[https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys][API key]] |
| Azure | ✓ | Deployment and API key |
| Ollama | ✓ | An LLM running locally |
| GPT4All | ✓ | An LLM running locally |
| PrivateGPT | Planned | - |
| Llama.cpp | Planned | - |
*General usage*:
*Multi-LLM support demo*:
- It's async and fast, streams responses.
- Interact with LLMs from anywhere in Emacs (any buffer, shell, minibuffer, wherever)
- LLM responses are in Markdown or Org markup.
- Supports conversations and multiple independent sessions.
- Save chats as regular Markdown/Org/Text files and resume them later.
- You can go back and edit your previous prompts or LLM responses when continuing a conversation. These will be fed back to the model.
GPTel uses Curl if available, but falls back to url-retrieve to work without external dependencies.
** Contents :toc:
- [[#breaking-changes][Breaking Changes]]
- [[#installation][Installation]]
- [[#straight][Straight]]
- [[#manual][Manual]]
- [[#doom-emacs][Doom Emacs]]
- [[#spacemacs][Spacemacs]]
- [[#setup][Setup]]
- [[#chatgpt][ChatGPT]]
- [[#other-llm-backends][Other LLM backends]]
- [[#azure][Azure]]
- [[#gpt4all][GPT4All]]
- [[#ollama][Ollama]]
- [[#usage][Usage]]
- [[#in-any-buffer][In any buffer:]]
- [[#in-a-dedicated-chat-buffer][In a dedicated chat buffer:]]
- [[#save-and-restore-your-chat-sessions][Save and restore your chat sessions]]
- [[#using-it-your-way][Using it your way]]
- [[#extensions-using-gptel][Extensions using GPTel]]
- [[#additional-configuration][Additional Configuration]]
- [[#why-another-llm-client][Why another LLM client?]]
- [[#will-you-add-feature-x][Will you add feature X?]]
- [[#alternatives][Alternatives]]
- [[#acknowledgments][Acknowledgments]]
** Breaking Changes
- The user option =gptel-host= is deprecated. If the defaults don't work for you, use =gptel-make-openai= (which see) to customize server settings.
- =gptel-api-key-from-auth-source= now searches for the API key using the host address for the active LLM backend, /i.e./ "api.openai.com" when using ChatGPT. You may need to update your =~/.authinfo=.
** Installation
GPTel is on MELPA. Ensure that MELPA is in your list of sources, then install gptel with =M-x package-install⏎= =gptel=.
(Optional: Install =markdown-mode=.)
#+html: <details><summary>
**** Straight
#+html: </summary>
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(straight-use-package 'gptel)
Installing the =markdown-mode= package is optional.
#+html: </details>
#+html: <details><summary>
**** Manual
#+html: </summary>
Clone or download this repository and run =M-x package-install-file⏎= on the repository directory.
Installing the =markdown-mode= package is optional.
#+html: </details>
#+html: <details><summary>
**** Doom Emacs
#+html: </summary>
In =packages.el=
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(package! gptel)
In =config.el=
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package! gptel
(setq! gptel-api-key "your key"))
#+html: </details>
#+html: <details><summary>
**** Spacemacs
#+html: </summary>
After installation with =M-x package-install⏎= =gptel=
- Add =gptel= to =dotspacemacs-additional-packages=
- Add =(require 'gptel)= to =dotspacemacs/user-config=
#+html: </details>
** Setup
*** ChatGPT
Procure an [[https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys][OpenAI API key]].
Optional: Set =gptel-api-key= to the key. Alternatively, you may choose a more secure method such as:
- Storing in =~/.authinfo=. By default, "api.openai.com" is used as HOST and "apikey" as USER.
#+begin_src authinfo
machine api.openai.com login apikey password TOKEN
- Setting it to a function that returns the key.
*** Other LLM backends
#+html: <details><summary>
**** Azure
#+html: </summary>
Register a backend with
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
"Azure-1" ;Name, whatever you'd like
:protocol "https" ;optional -- https is the default
:host "YOUR_RESOURCE_NAME.openai.azure.com"
:endpoint "/openai/deployments/YOUR_DEPLOYMENT_NAME/completions?api-version=2023-05-15" ;or equivalent
:stream t ;Enable streaming responses
:models '("gpt-3.5-turbo" "gpt-4"))
Refer to the documentation of =gptel-make-azure= to set more parameters.
You can pick this backend from the transient menu when using gptel. (See usage)
If you want it to be the default, set it as the default value of =gptel-backend=:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq-default gptel-backend
#+html: </details>
#+html: <details><summary>
**** GPT4All
#+html: </summary>
Register a backend with
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
"GPT4All" ;Name of your choosing
:protocol "http"
:host "localhost:4891" ;Where it's running
:models '("mistral-7b-openorca.Q4_0.gguf")) ;Available models
These are the required parameters, refer to the documentation of =gptel-make-gpt4all= for more.
You can pick this backend from the transient menu when using gptel (see usage), or set this as the default value of =gptel-backend=.
#+html: </details>
#+html: <details><summary>
**** Ollama
#+html: </summary>
Register a backend with
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
"Ollama" ;Any name of your choosing
:host "localhost:11434" ;Where it's running
:models '("mistral:latest") ;Installed models
:stream t) ;Stream responses
These are the required parameters, refer to the documentation of =gptel-make-gpt4all= for more.
You can pick this backend from the transient menu when using gptel (see usage), or set this as the default value of =gptel-backend=.
#+html: </details>
** Usage
| *Commands* | Description |
| =gptel= | Create a new dedicated chat buffer. Not required, gptel works anywhere. |
| =gptel-send= | Send selection, or conversation up to =(point)=. Works anywhere in Emacs. |
| =C-u= =gptel-send= | Transient menu for preferenes, input/output redirection etc. |
| =gptel-menu= | /(Same)/ |
| =gptel-set-topic= | /(Org-mode only)/ Limit conversation context to an Org heading |
*** In any buffer:
1. Select a region of text and call =M-x gptel-send=. The response will be inserted below your region.
2. You can select both the original prompt and the response and call =M-x gptel-send= again to continue the conversation.
3. Call =M-x gptel-send= with a prefix argument to
- set chat parameters (GPT model, directives etc) for this buffer,
- to read the prompt from elsewhere or redirect the response elsewhere,
- or to replace the prompt with the response.
With a region selected, you can also rewrite prose or refactor code from here:
*** In a dedicated chat buffer:
1. Run =M-x gptel= to start or switch to the chat buffer. It will ask you for the key if you skipped the previous step. Run it with a prefix-arg (=C-u M-x gptel=) to start a new session.
2. In the gptel buffer, send your prompt with =M-x gptel-send=, bound to =C-c RET=.
3. Set chat parameters (LLM provider, model, directives etc) for the session by calling =gptel-send= with a prefix argument (=C-u C-c RET=):
That's it. You can go back and edit previous prompts and responses if you want.
The default mode is =markdown-mode= if available, else =text-mode=. You can set =gptel-default-mode= to =org-mode= if desired.
**** Save and restore your chat sessions
Saving the file will save the state of the conversation as well. To resume the chat, open the file and turn on =gptel-mode= before editing the buffer.
** Using it your way
GPTel's default usage pattern is simple, and will stay this way: Read input in any buffer and insert the response below it.
If you want custom behavior, such as
- reading input from or output to the echo area,
- or in pop-up windows,
- sending the current line only, etc,
GPTel provides a general =gptel-request= function that accepts a custom prompt and a callback to act on the response. You can use this to build custom workflows not supported by =gptel-send=. See the documentation of =gptel-request=, and the [[https://github.com/karthink/gptel/wiki][wiki]] for examples.
*** Extensions using GPTel
These are packages that depend on GPTel to provide additional functionality
- [[https://github.com/kamushadenes/gptel-extensions.el][gptel-extensions]]: Extra utility functions for GPTel.
- [[https://github.com/kamushadenes/ai-blog.el][ai-blog.el]]: Streamline generation of blog posts in Hugo.
** Additional Configuration
:ID: f885adac-58a3-4eba-a6b7-91e9e7a17829
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none :results list
(let ((all))
(mapatoms (lambda (sym)
(when (and (string-match-p "^gptel-[^-]" (symbol-name sym))
(get sym 'variable-documentation))
(push sym all))))
| *Connection options* | |
| =gptel-use-curl= | Use Curl (default), fallback to Emacs' built-in =url=. |
| =gptel-proxy= | Proxy server for requests, passed to curl via =--proxy=. |
| =gptel-api-key= | Variable/function that returns the API key for the active backend. |
| *LLM options* | /(Note: not supported uniformly across LLMs)/ |
| =gptel-backend= | Default LLM Backend. |
| =gptel-model= | Default model to use (depends on the backend). |
| =gptel-stream= | Enable streaming responses (overrides backend-specific preference). |
| =gptel-directives= | Alist of system directives, can switch on the fly. |
| =gptel-max-tokens= | Maximum token count (in query + response). |
| =gptel-temperature= | Randomness in response text, 0 to 2. |
| *Chat UI options* | |
| =gptel-default-mode= | Major mode for dedicated chat buffers. |
| =gptel-prompt-prefix-alist= | Text demarcating queries and replies. |
** Why another LLM client?
Other Emacs clients for LLMs prescribe the format of the interaction (a comint shell, org-babel blocks, etc). I wanted:
1. Something that is as free-form as possible: query the model using any text in any buffer, and redirect the response as required. Using a dedicated =gptel= buffer just adds some visual flair to the interaction.
2. Integration with org-mode, not using a walled-off org-babel block, but as regular text. This way the model can generate code blocks that I can run.
** Will you add feature X?
Maybe, I'd like to experiment a bit more first. Features added since the inception of this package include
- Curl support (=gptel-use-curl=)
- Streaming responses (=gptel-stream=)
- Cancelling requests in progress (=gptel-abort=)
- General API for writing your own commands (=gptel-request=, [[https://github.com/karthink/gptel/wiki][wiki]])
- Dispatch menus using Transient (=gptel-send= with a prefix arg)
- Specifying the conversation context size
- GPT-4 support
- Response redirection (to the echo area, another buffer, etc)
- A built-in refactor/rewrite prompt
- Limiting conversation context to Org headings using properties (#58)
- Saving and restoring chats (#17)
- Support for local LLMs.
Features being considered or in the pipeline:
- Fully stateless design (#17)
** Alternatives
Other Emacs clients for LLMs include
- [[https://github.com/xenodium/chatgpt-shell][chatgpt-shell]]: comint-shell based interaction with ChatGPT. Also supports DALL-E, executable code blocks in the responses, and more.
- [[https://github.com/rksm/org-ai][org-ai]]: Interaction through special =#+begin_ai ... #+end_ai= Org-mode blocks. Also supports DALL-E, querying ChatGPT with the contents of project files, and more.
There are several more: [[https://github.com/CarlQLange/chatgpt-arcana.el][chatgpt-arcana]], [[https://github.com/MichaelBurge/leafy-mode][leafy-mode]], [[https://github.com/iwahbe/chat.el][chat.el]]
** Acknowledgments
- [[https://github.com/algal][Alexis Gallagher]] and [[https://github.com/d1egoaz][Diego Alvarez]] for fixing a nasty multi-byte bug with =url-retrieve=.
- [[https://github.com/tarsius][Jonas Bernoulli]] for the Transient library.
# Local Variables:
# toc-org-max-depth: 4
# End: